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Strange Rings and Purple Things

Don't ask where purple things came from, because honestly, I have no idea. The quote of whenever-I-update is:

"I believe I speak for all of us when I say: oh, bugger."-Legolas, Legolas' Diary-Middle Earth, by Mary-Lou

This is a Lord of the Rings Parody site. We don't mean to offend anyone with this material, hey, we love Lord of the Rings, but we just feel the need to pick on them. So don't email me whining because I said something mean about Legolas or whatever. I love them too. I just have a lot of free time. Also, the credit for all of these parodies goes to the authors, seeing as I didn't write any of them. I just put them here.

**Disclaimer: I don't own Lord of the Rings, the Hobbit or any of the characters I pick on from those books. They are J.R.R. Tolkien's work, and brilliant at that. I also don't own any of the other things we happen to make fun of, ie: Pokemon, and we aren't making money off this. So they aren't mine. No sue! No sue!

Bye for now!


Okay, mainly because Alan told me to, I'm now having an update thing that says when and what I updated, seeing as I'm confusing and what I choose to update is based on whatever is closest to the mouse point when I open my saved file. I'll delete the old updated notes the next time I update...So that will be right here:

February 1st, 2003, 12:00 noon on the dot: That's kinda freaky, lol. 1st day of a month I'm hoping will have many updates, but that all depends on my internet provider. As far, I have updated the Legolas Diary-Middle Earth, it is now completed. I am awaiting some more of Alan's "Lord of...that Thing" parody, he keeps telling me not to update it because no one likes it. If you say otherwise, email me so I can forward it on to him.

January 23rd, 2003: *Signs into angelfire, is greeted by cobwebs and dust* It's been ages! I was hoping once Two Towers came out to update my site, but due to an unfortunate incident with my internet provider, I've been net-less since early December (before I saw Two Towers). I'll get it back soon, hopefully, and I really want to update. Today all I did was remove a couple of parodies that I'm never gonna update, mainly because I lost the originals, forget the author names so I can't go looking for more, etc etc. I'm going to hunt down some new ones soon. See you in February! (Maybe I should bring a broom...)

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Questions? Comments? The authors live off reviews, anything you send to me will be sent directly to them via Hobbitmail...just hit my addy!

Stuff we got:

Legolas' diary-Middle Earth Edition*completed*
Legolas Diary-2002 Edition-Sequel
Pictures and Captions
Stupid Hobbit *Completed*
Stupid Quest-Sequel
Lord of...that thing...
Some drawings I did...only one is LOTR related though. The rest are anime.
