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Personal Constitution







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Although mission statements and life goals seem a bit trite these days, I’ve found it worthwhile to focus on standards of excellence that should remain constant throughout the ups and downs of life.  In 1990, after considerable self-reflection, I drafted the following precepts to live by.  Am I always successful in living by them?  No.  Are they ideals I should strive to achieve?  Absolutely.


1. Live my life with integrity.
          - Be honest with myself and others at all times.
          - Keep commitments to others.
          - Take responsibility for my successes and failures.
          - Give credit to others.
          - Earn and maintain the trust of others.
          - Be considerate of others.
          - Listen with empathy and seek first to understand.

2. Maintain a strong relationship with God.

3. Make maintaining my personal relationship a priority.

4. Value and nurture friendships.

5. Cultivate family relationships.

6. Respect and celebrate diversity.
          - Recognize that all human life is intrinsically valuable.
          - Value different opinions, viewpoints, backgrounds, and perspectives of others.

7. Be of service to others.

8. Be politically responsive to matters of personal importance.

9. Approach life holistically.
          - Take care of physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social needs.
          - Live a balanced life.
          - Use my five senses to appreciate the beauty of nature and my world.

10. Continuously expand my horizons through education, travel, and the arts.

11. Move toward personal, worthwhile, and predetermined goals.

12. Cultivate self-esteem and courage.

13. Maintain a positive attitude and a sense of humor.

14. Explore and express my creativity.

15. Earn my livelihood in a rewarding position which benefits others.

16. Be financially responsible.

17. Create a pleasant, organized, and welcoming environment at home and work.