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Wolf's Walk: A Witch's Path

Welcome to Wolf's Walk. This is a safe place for all Witches to come rest, relax, and be among friends. There are no judgements made here, and all are welcome. A code of honor rules this home so be ever mindful and respect another's view as you would have yours be respected.

In these pages will be expressions from a personal point of view, but will by no means be intended to convert, or admonish other pathwalkers. Disagreements will always occur, but learning can occur where the open mind travels. Please do not email the author to express different mindsets for the purpose of changing Wolf's Walk, but do communicate as one member of family to another in equality and in a manner intended to make connection. This will be welcomed!!!

Merry Meet Brothers and Sisters

THIS IS TAKING MUCH MUCH LONGER THAN I EXPECTED!!!! I will be changing my text pages around as I develop them, and that is going to be awhile. I only can work on this very late at night or on days off which run a bit restricted anyway. But as long as I have time occasionally, I am going to work like mad to get some things done.
Some Links Above And Below To Keep You Busy While I Build, Build, Build To The Contents Page. All The Links Are Good. The Content Pages Are Not Set To Link Yet. I Will Get Them Going As Soon As Possible. I Guess All This Is To Say.........

This page is still under construction.....Please be patient with me. I have a LONG way to go.
To Be Or Not To Be A Witch
Common Sense Witchcraft
Beginning Your Path
Many Roads Lead To One
Gods And Man
Need For Ritual
Cosmic Karma: Simple Words Of Wisdom
Solitary Commitment
Things To Know
Divination And Oracles
Tools And Items Of The Craft

This chant and others can be found at:

E-O-D-O E-O-D-O Ha hay yay E-O-D-O Ha hay yay. (repeat throughout) Air breath, air blow, Make the wheel of magic go. Work this wish for which we pray E-O-D-O ha hay yay. Water bubble, water boil Make the wheel of magic toil Work this wish for which we pray E-O-D-O ha hay yay. Earth without, earth within Make the wheel of magic spin Work this wish for which we pray E-O-D-O ha hay yay. Fire blaze, fire burn Make the wheel of magic turn Work this wish for which we pray E-O-D-O ha hay yay. E-O-D-O ha hey yey E-O-D-O Ha Hey yey.
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Visit Witchy Works' Burning Times

Contents © 2001 except where noted. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced or used elsewhere without the express written consent of the author.

Celtic pentacle graphic copyright © Robin Wood 1997. Used by permission. To go to her website use the following link