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S I L V E R - G L A S S

:message board: :chat::polls:

We are currently under construction..please
leave a mark in our guest book on your way out..

Hey! Welcome to Silver Glass. This site is really a site where you get to speck get to vote on certian topic, or post something in out message, but for the time being, we are under construction right now for the new update. Please check to see the progress.

What is Silver Glass?
Silver Glass was thought/made up of us. The staff includes Brian and Michelle. There is no "leader" here but if you want to know who's older, that would have to be Brian. Silver Glass is a evlution from PaNdA_FoReSt. We first made up a site of "tear pandas" and evolved into Silver Glass. Although this site has no "pandas", it's basiclly the same format and layout as PaNdA_FoReSt. If you want to visit PaNdA_FoReSt, click on the above link.

What's to come:
designing gallery
loading chat room
poll questions asked
review facts on topics


May 12th...azn107
Hey everyone, today is the first day I got my internet back!! Alright! This means I will have more time to update this site. Anyways, nothing much is going on around here. Still got to start a new layout for the improved version. Any sugjestions? Well if you have a cool idea, please let us know. You can e-mail me well i got to start putting more stuff on this site. Come again shortly!

April 18th...michelle
Michelle here. Hi. You probably don't know me. For those who do, "Hey!" Since this is a log, which is kind of like a journal, I guess I should tell about some stuff that happend today. The stuff I'm telling you might be kind of boring. Around 9:00 pm, I listened to music through ear phones. All slow songs. I like reading the lyrics. I like stuff (even crappy stuff) to have some sort of meaning, definition, or sentimental value. I'm not really a materialistic type of person. And while reading (and listening) I kind of picked up a few lessons. To me, every good song has something to teach you. I feel so tired even though its only 11:00. Goodnight! P.S. I dunno why this log entry is so screwed!

