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Redwall 12001

12000 seasons after the building of Redwall, it was the technological age. The otter Vandar became Abbess. As soon as her rule was confirmed, she began to eliminate the old traditions. After appointing herself Queen with the help of secret allies, a vermin band, it quickly became obvious that she was a born tyrant. Recuiting vermin and goodbeasts alike, she formed a hoard that eliminated most thoughts of resistance and slew those rebels who were not intimidated. However, one rebel band, the Resistance, led by the daring squirrel Hawthorne Greenbough wisely waited for everything to blow over before beginning to attack.

It only took half a season for Hawthorne to decide that the first furor of rebel-hunting had subsided. Still, Vandar's hoard was far too vast for the Resistance to attack straight out. They began spying and helping the poor civilians who lived in conditions roughly equivilant to those of a medieval pesant.

However, in the 12001th season since Redwall's construction and the 1st season of the New Rule, Hawthorne's band still needs more members, both vermin and goodbeast. Will you join them?

To the Headquarters of the Resistance

The Entrance
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