Molly's Reviews

A View from ...A View From Beyond The Path
Daniel S Kellogg
Washington House imprint of Trident Media Company

Interesting read ... Recommended ... 4 stars

It is Chicago 1968 when 10 year olds, Jerod and David become involved in what may prove to be a life long tussle with Ruth. By the time the boys are ready for eighth grade they are sure Ruth is someone special. Time and the years intervene, David becomes a well known attorney, Jerod moves to Colorado, becomes VP of Operations at Good Things and begins a serious relationship with Alex. It is 2000 when Jerod glances across a crowded room to find Felix Dutton sitting at the bar. Jerod does not really expect to run into Ruth, Felix or anyone else from his past any time soon.

Before long Ruth, her son Brandon, Felix, Alex and even David are embroiled in a state of affairs Jerod never anticipated. Brandon hopes perhaps Jerod may prove to be his unknown father, Felix fumes that Jerod is once again involved with 'his' family. When Felix is killed things begin to look more than a little bleak. The police question Jerod. Then David is also found dead and the cause for his death is a bit astounding for Jerod to understand.

On the pages of "A View From Beyond The Path" Writer Kellogg has crafted a compelling read nicely filled with entertaining characters, well defined environments and solid, hard hitting dialogue.

"A View From Beyond The Path" is a well written work in which a complex tale filled with potent motivations, characters filled with more their share of angst, twists, treachery and puzzling circumstances all coming together as one compelling read. Kellogg displays an perspicacious adroitness for taking mundane situations and weaving them into a real attention grabber. The reader's interest is held fast from the opening paragraphs as we read of the two ten year old boys and their female neighbor, right down to the last lines while we read David's letter to Ruth along with her.

Good book for a long lazy afternoon. Happy to recommend.




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