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Remember the Alamo!                                       “SOUTH OF THE BORDER DOWN MEXICO WAY” . . . THERE’S AN ILL WIND BLOWING . . .       AND IT BLOWING OUR WAY!  The talk is we’re going to take over – They are right... We’re    here to stay.”  Richard Alatorre, Los Angeles City Council. These are not the words of a             few extremists? We could fill up pages with such quotes–from mainstream Mexican leaders.

     "Go back to Boston!  Go back to Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims!  Get out! You are old and tired.  Go on.  We have beaten you, Says Augustin Cebada, Brown Berets 
“They are trembling with fear.  I love it."   "The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot." Excelsior, national newspaper of Mexico.
"California is going to be a Hispanic state.  Anyone who doesn't like it should leave." Mario Obledo, California State Secretary of HEW under Governor Jerry Brown, & awarded    the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Bill Clinton.
 (LOS ANGELES, CA) – Not since the battle of the Alamo where Mexican General. Santa Anna and thousands of Mexican soldiers overran the little mission church and massacred fifty brave men,             women and children there; has there been such an onslaught and                pillage of American land and resources. And Illegals keep pouring               into America by the thousands.


     DID YOU KNOW   those illegal aliens from Mexico and other non-European countries can come to this country and get preferences  in jobs, education, and govern-ment contracts? It's called affirmative action or racial privilege.                         

      DID YOU KNOW recently, a vote was taken in the U.S. Congress to end this         practice?  It was defeated.  Every single Democratic senator except Ernest Hollings            voted to maintain special privileges for Hispanic, Asian and    African Immigrants. They were joined by thirteen Republicans.  


     DID YOU KNOW John Kerry and Al Gore have repeatedly stated that they believe that massive immigration from countries like Mexico is good.  They have also backed special privileges for these immigrants.


     DID YOU KNOW corporate America has signed on to the idea that minorities and third world immigrants should get special, privileged status.  Some examples are Exxon, Texaco, Merrill Lynch, Boeing, Paine Weber, Starbucks and many more.


      DID YOU KNOW that Mexico regularly sides with the defense in criminal cases involving Mexican nationals against America?


      DID YOU KNOW that Mexico has NEVER extradited a Mexican national accused of murder in the U.S. despite agreeing to do so?


      DID YOU KNOW according to the L.A Times, Orange County, California is home to 275 gangs with 17,000 members; 98% of which are Mexican and Asian?  How’s our country doing so far??


     DID YOU KNOW according to a New York Times article, 20 years after the great influx of legal immigrants from Southeast Asia and Mexico, 30% are still on welfare compared to 8% nationwide?


     DID YOU KNOW a Wall Street Journal editorial dated December 5, 1994 quotes law enforcement officials as stating that Mexican/Asian mobsters are the "greatest criminal challenge the country faces."  Not bad for a group that is still less than 5% of the population.


     WHEN I WAS YOUNG, I remember hearing about the immigrants that came through Ellis Island and kissing American soil.  They wanted to learn English.  They wanted to breathe free.  They wanted to become Americans, not just line their pockets. We all need to contact the President & members of Congress and insist that they correct this problem NOW!  


     DID YOU KNOW It’s time to stand up and take America back? THANK GOD for the Minute Men who protect our borders! LAND THAT I LOVE - WHERE DID YOU GO?   AND WHATEVER  HAPPENS  NEXT –   REMEMBER THE ALAMO!





     We don’t need a new rulebook – we need to obey the one we have. The latest version of the “Book,” called "Today's NIV" Bible or TNIV for short, is supposedly a more accurate "gender-accurate" version. It removes most of the seven masculine words: father, son, brother, man, he, him and his. It substitutes parent for father, children or people for son, brother and sister for brother, or someone or person.


     This is of major concern to many of us because it ignores the most reliable Greek and Hebrew manuscripts which use the masculine terms in the King James Bible.


     Why would we change a book that has served our nation so well for 200 years?  Many in our ‘permissive’ society don’t want strict rules. The new “watered-down” versions which lower the standards of behavior even further are right up their alley. The "gender-accurate" version which describes itself as "women, gay and sinner friendly” systemically removes the masculine gender and blurs the line between right and wrong even further.   Who are you to tell me what’s ‘right or wrong?’ they ask. 


     John 3:16 reveals the basis for God’s authority; His love for us. It confronts us with a clear choice about our eternal destiny and living our daily lives. It’s an individual choice you make when you submit yourself to his authority and received Jesus as Lord and Savior.


     The “gender-neutral” approach removes the personal relationship God desires with man (Rev. 4:14) and rejects his authority over our lives.


     Case in point, John 1:12 where the KJV says: “But as many as received him (Jesus) to them gave he power to become the sons of God.”  The TNIV text, “any person” rather than ‘man’ introduces universalism, rather than an individual invitation to “receive Him” … it appears all inclusive rather than a personal choice.


     A more problematic text for me is Roman 5:12 which says:  “By one man sin entered the world” (speaking of Adam) – The human race did not fall when Eve disobeyed God, but when Adam ate of the ‘forbidden’ fruit.  Thus, the ‘sin nature’ which we are all born with is passed down from generation to generation by the man, not “persons” which includes both men and women.


     The proof that Jesus is God (which He must be to forgive sin) is that He had no ‘old sin nature.’  While He was born of a woman, He had no earthly father – He was conceived by God the Holy Spirit who has no ‘old sin nature’. Thus proving His deity; and His authority – He was not only the “Son of God” but “God the Son.”




(We are looking for a few good people to stand with us)

(New email address:


     God gave His word to us through godly apostles and prophets (2 Peter 1:21) who wrote them down. Those rules for living were passed down by faithful believers who were persecuted for their faith and for this precious book.  “Righteousness (‘right’ living) exhalteth a nation, but sin is a reproach (or disgrace) to any people.”


     Questionable manuscripts were used by the translators of these modern versions of the Bible. In the scramble to find "better" manuscripts, they ignored thousands of manuscripts supporting the Textus Receptus used by the King James translators.


     But does any of this matter, as long as people have a Bible? Yes, it does. The bisexual deity “Father-Mother” is not the true God, nor are these translations the ‘infallible’ Word of God which establishes a creditable ‘blueprint’ for establishing America on Godly principles.


     It is the book America was founded upon, and we must not allow ‘liberal’ thinkers to change the rules. I believe the King James Bible is the most reliable translation of God’s word into the English language available. It’s the one which still declares confidently, "Thus saith the Lord” – And we need to listen!


     It has stood the test of time and not been ‘neutered’ by some skillful ‘slight-of-hand’ modern theologians’ ‘sex-change’ operation. It’s still the one that can keep America safe and secure in these troubled times.


There is still time to order your 'new'


Show your colors and support Mission America

If you order the all "new" Mission America tags today, you can still be the first in your neighborhood to display

these good-looking tags on your car or truck. Each set feature the colorful red, white & blue Mission America eagle.




Would you buy a used car from this guy?  How about a Mission America tag??

Jim Rogers, Director of Mission America proudly displays a sample of the Mission America red, white &

blue eagle Maryland license plates which are now available through the Maryland Vehicle Administration.

Contact us today (coupon below) for your free application to order your own set of colorful tags.



     The letters, GAP, symbolize the "gap" ministry spoken of in Ezekiel 22 verse 30.  Ezekiel proclaimed God

 is looking for someone to "stand in the gap for the land [Israel] that He should not destroy it; but found none."

     Today, our land is America, and God is still looking for men & women to "stand" for what's right!  We hope our new tags will remind folks we are "standing in the gap" for America.  Let's work together and turn America around.

If you would like a Mission America tag, contact us for a special order form which we will validate and return to you.

     Just fill it in and mail it to the Motor Vehicle Administration along with a one time fee of twenty-five ($25.00) dollars and it will become your regular tag.

APPLY TODAY – you don’t have to wait for your next renewal application.

We believe running these great looking tags on your vehicle will give you a sense of pride in America.

That is our only Mission – ‘America'

 Give us a call or send your name and current Maryland tag number on the form below and we will mail you a validated application for your special Mission America license plates.  Or use the form below to mail a financial gift to Mission America and help us pay our current expenses. Thanks!


NAME ___________________________________________________TAG # ___________________



[ ] $500.   [ ]$300.   [ ] $100.   [ ] $50.   [ ] $25   [ ] other $ _________






City ______________________________________________ State ______Zip___________________


MISSION AMERICA, PO Box 30, Childs, Maryland 21916

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