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P.O, Box 30, Childs, MD 21916               A NATION WORTH SAVING                           JUNE 2006



Terror in the Government Schools




(MAINSTREET, USA)-Once safe public schools have become dangerous government schools where every child is at risk.  There’s “cross-dress day.” “Day of Silence,” ‘gay’ day, and “Day of Truth.” Whatever happened to my favorite – recess?   Or English, math, or geography, etc.

     When I attended grade school teachers were preacher’s wives, the principal, his wife (who also taught my Sunday school class) or your next door neighbor.  Now we have all these college “hot shots” – (strangers is our schools) ready to teach all their new theories, ideas and philosophies to your children and mine.

     Who are these people?  We read horror stories about teachers molesting students, ‘gay’ teachers, more and more incidences of guns in school.  It’s become a war zone!        

     We’ve sophisticated learning right out of the system. Oh, they’re still educating our children, but you don’t want to know what the subjects are. Students at many high schools recently participated in a “Day of Silence” to promote acceptance of homosexuality in our schools. School used to be a ‘safe’ place to send your children.  Not anymore!     

     Today's ‘open-minded’ educators are determined to impose ‘sexual perversion’ which is anti-life, anti-family, and anti-God in spite of ‘mainstream’ disapproval.  

     In 1968 when they started sex education in the schools they said it was harmless, simple little stick figures, to teach hygiene with boys and girls in separate classes. 

     In 1973 we  legalized  abortion;  the  Sex  Ed  classes  began teaching ‘safe’ sex and pushing condoms to mixed classes.

     In l975, the AIDS scare introduced homosexuality into the Sex Ed curriculum even though many of us fought it. Parents were told ‘big’ brother would decide what to tell their children about sex and ‘perverted’ sexual practices.

     These educrates; administrators, teachers and union leaders are nothing more than bomb throwing ‘terrorists’ undermining public education and ruining the next generation of leaders.  Do they really think they are smarter or just better qualified to shape tomorrow’s world than we are?  Talk about “terrorism” – That’s really scary!



"The World is not dangerous because of those

who do harm, but because of those who look

at it without doing anything. - Albert Einstein


     It doesn’t make any difference where you live, you have government schools full of bomb throwing terrorists on a search and destroy mission.  Are you willing to take a stand and get involved for the sake of the children?

     Would you take the time to attend school board meetings every month?  Look at the text books that they are using?  Would you run for a seat on the school board?

       Oh, I know it’s not an easy struggle.  I’ve attended many School Board meetings and been told, “We know better than you do.” “We can’t do anything about that, its state policy or law, or we could lose our state funding if we don’t adhere to state standards.”    

     We even discussed the possibility of refusing state money altogether and supporting our schools on county money, and/or a school tax, etc. so we could have the distinctively ‘traditional’ schools we wanted.

     Recently, John Stossel, ABC-TV noted, “We need to hold educators accountable. “We reward teachers for excellence, don’t we? Why not get rid of bad teachers?      

      The bottom line is – you can’t. The fact is, Stossel continued, “Mediocrity is rewarded.” The whole, bewildering process amounts to an unending maze designed specifically to protect bad teachers – short of an act of Congress, it’s virtually impossible to fire one.

       Bad teachers and bad school text books ignore American history in order to lavish attention on minor historical figures that allegedly boosts the "self-esteem" of designated victim groups to persuade children that our historic American culture and values aren’t important.

     How can this be, you ask? The first step is teaching children to accept ‘moral relativism’ by indoctrinating them in "values clarification" and "situational ethics" which says there are no moral absolutes.

     Those who teach in schools of education, union leadership, and others understand exactly what they are doing. They are redirecting our children away from moral authority through accrediting schools of education which requires teaching politically correct ‘buzz’ words as "multiculturalism" and "diversity" in hiring teachers and selecting curriculum for accreditation.

      They are told that "diversity" is the most important goal for those who train teachers - not training teachers to teach phonics, math, or grammar, but "diversity."

     The bottom line, tragically, is a massive movement today away from the Christian concept of morality, to moral relativism and a values neutral society.

     What can we do to reverse these trends and reclaim our public schools?  We can start by electing Godly people to our local school boards where many of these decisions are made and begin DISARMING THE TERRORISTS!











Church Forced out   of Adoption Services

 By ‘Same-sex’ couples

Jim Rogers, Director

(BOSTON, MA) - Catholic Charities of Boston made the announcement recently: It was getting out of the adoption business. "We have encountered a dilemma we cannot resolve. The issue is adoption to same-sex couples.”

      In November 2003, the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court approved gay marriage. That same year, a Vatican statement made clear that placing children with homosexual couples violates Catholic teaching.      

     In Massachusetts, an adoption agency must be licensed by the state. And to get a license, an agency must pledge to obey state laws - including discriminating against ‘sexual’ orientation.

     With the legalization of gay marriage in the state, discrimination against “same-sex” couples was outlawed, too. So the governor and archbishop turned to the state legislature, requesting a ‘conscience’ exemption to allow Catholic Charities to continue to help kids in a manner consistent with Catholic teaching.

     Not one single Massachusetts political leader was willing to consider even the narrowest religious exemption. Lt. Governor Kerry Healey, the Republican candidate for governor, refused to budge: "I believe any institution that provides services regulated by state law has to abide by those laws."

     Ron Madnick, president of the state’s Americans United for Separation of Church & State group said even if Catholic Charities refused tax funds and gave up being a state contractor, it still couldn’t refuse children to same-sex couples." 



(ATLANTA, GA)-A judge struck down Georgia's ban on same-sex marriage, saying a measure overwhelmingly approved by voters in 2004 violated a provision that limits ballot questions to a single subject.

     The ruling by Fulton County Superior Court Judge Constance C. Russell had been eagerly awaited by homosexual rights supporters after the constitutional ban was approved by 65% of Georgia voters in 2004.

ED NOTE: Another ‘liberal’ woman judge up-holding homosexual rights seems to be a trend today.  Where do the people of America go for justice in ‘wacky’ world of homo-mania?      Our founders fought for freedom – now we’re giving in away bit by bit!


(NYC, NY)-Convicted Al Qaeda terrorist Zacarias Moussaoui was sentenced to life in prison, rather than death, by a jury that “blinked” rather than execute him for his role in 9/ 11.

     The jurors' said they were "not unanimous in favor of death." Last evening I heard there was only 1 hold-out, 11 favored the death penalty. Why should one dissenter deny justice?

Personally, I’ll take a dead Martyr over a live terrorist anytime!! Ed note



     Del. Bennett Bozman, (D-38th) Berlin, Md. died unexpectedly last month after a brief illness.  Bennett was a pharmacist by profession and a ‘well-liked’ political-figure by choice. He served his Worcester County neighbors well and will be missed by those of us who knew and loved him.



by Gregory Kane, The Baltimore Sun

(BALTIMORE, MD)- Baltimore civic and political leaders are tripping over one another in a rush to pucker up and kiss the feet of NAACP board chairman Julian Bond in an attempt to keep the civil rights organization's national headquarters in Baltimore.   Mr. Bond claims that the NAACP is still nonpartisan, even though during his term, the NAACP has been blatantly pro-Democrat. His attacks on the Bush administration since 2001 have dragged a once-proud civil rights organization with a history of dignified public discourse down to demagoguery.                            

         Under his leadership, the NAACP is no longer an esteemed national civil rights organization. It's a national embarrassment. Isn't there one leader in this city who has the guts to say what needs to be said about an impending move of NAACP national headquarters to Washington?         That would simply be: "Goodbye and good riddance."






Letters from America



     We appreciate all you do.  God bless you, your work for righteousness and your family.

     Keep on keeping on!  In Christ Jesus,  John & Peggy Cochran Newark, DE



     Thanks for your faith and sharing it with others.  Michael Marvel Middletown, DE




    Thank you for keeping us informed. Praying God will bless your day and all your efforts

to be “salt and light.” Thank you for making a difference!  Bro. Don Reynolds  Denton, MD



     Many of you know I buy, sell and trade baseball cards and sports items.  I collected back in the early 1950’s as a boy, until I became interested in cars and girls.  Later I got back into it when my boys became interested, and then they got interested in cars and girls and I was left with a lot of old baseball cards. 

     I turned 69 years old in April and I never realized major leaguers like Hank Greenberg, Al Rosen, Kenny Holtzman, Sandy Kofax and many others were Jewish.

     Now they’re calling attention to the fact that they are Jewish by putting out sets of Jewish baseball players. Why do we keep calling attention to our differences? They were major league baseball players like all the others.  I was interested in their batting averages, the home runs they hit, their won/loss records and their ERA’s. 

     I didn’t care whether they were Jewish or not … and I still don’t!   PLAY BALL!!

Ed note: And call me if you have any old baseball cards or stuff you want to buy, sell or trade with me!  jrr


On The Road


This  is  a  schedule of  where  MISSION AMERICA

Director,  Jim Rogers  will   be  traveling   this  month


Sun.  June 11:     Nottingham Missionary Baptist Church

   (7:00 PM)         Rt. 272, Nottingham, PA

              Speaker: Jim Rogers, Director


Wed. June 14:     FLAG DAY

                            “These colors never run”


   Sun.  June  18:    CELEBRATING FATHER’S DAY

                          “Wanted a few good men”     

If   you   would   like  to   schedule   MISSION  AMERICA          

to  COME  and  SPEAK  at  your  church, civic group or rally

Call [410] 392-7812 or email: missionamerica



Ninety-nine percent of lawyers give the rest a bad name!






Mission America will also pay postage and handling on all pre-paid orders.

All proceeds from these sales will help us hold the line on American values!

Please order today as many of these items are one of a kind or our supply is very limited.

Call, write or email us for additional items and information:

Mission America, PO Box 30, Childs, MD 21916. 

Phone: [410] 392-7812 or 392-6834

or email:


Baseball Autographs and Memorabilia:



1979-80 O-Pee-Chee Wayne Gretzky [Rookie Card] RARE!!- - - - -$ 750.00

1838 Photograph of Babe Ruth, Lou Gherig, and Jimmy Fox  (B&W)

standing  in  front  of  dug-out  at  old  Schib  Park  in Philadelphia

over-all (20x38) framed & Matted w/signature blocks of each player -   1800.00



Joe DiMaggio autographed America League baseball (Scoreboard)      $ 450.00

Ted Williams autographed America League baseball - - - - - - - -          300.00

Mickey Mantle autographed American League baseball (Scoreboard)     300.00

Cal Ripken, Jr. Autographed America League baseball- - - - - -             150.00

Nolan Ryan Autographed American League baseball- - - - - - -             125.00

Ozzie Smith autographed National League baseball - - - - - - - -              95.00

Steve "Lefty" Carlton autographed National League baseball- -               85.00

Jim Palmer autographed American League baseball- - - - - - - -               75.00

Pete Rose signed Phillies batting helmet - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -               125.00



Joe DiMaggio signed 8x10 color photograph [double matted and framed 10x13] -   350.00

Hank Aaron autographed 8x10 color picture [signed in gold] - - - - - - -                    125.00



CAL’s CORNER (Baseballs, pictures, cards, etc.) SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE :

Cal Ripken, Jr. Autographed America League baseball- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       150.00

Cal Ripken, Jr. Signed 11x14 Color photo [framed 12x20 & double matted] - -       150.00

Cal Ripken, Jr. Signed 11x14 Color picture [black & white matted & framed] -       125.00

Cal Ripken, Jr. Autographed 2131 Color photo of Camden Yard- - - - - - - - - -           95.00

1982 Cal Ripken Topps [Rookie card]  very nice - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       50.00

1982 Cal Ripken Donruss [Rookie card]   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      40.00

1988 Cal Ripken Star Card [Blank back/promo card] - - - <RARE> - - - - - - - - -   175.00




1955 Jackie Robinson #50 Hard card to find in nice condition list $600- - - -   450.00

1956 Topps Mickey Mantle Super Nice (don’t miss this one - - - - - - - - - -        1500.00

1956 Topps Roy Campanella #101 Sharp example - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             150.00

1957 Topps Roberto Clemente #76 nice card  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     250.00

1958 Topps Roger Maris [Rookie Card] list $450 Pretty sharp card - - - - - -             250.00

1959 Topps Roberto Clemente #478 Sharp! - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      225.00

1960 Topps Roberto Clemente #326 Like new  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     150.00

1962 Topps Sandy Koufax #5  Like new  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     150.00

1963 Topps Bombers Best # 173 [Mantle, Tresh & Richardson] - - - - - - - - - - -           150.00

1965 Topps Pete Rose #207 - Beautiful color  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       150.00

1965 Topps Steve Carlton #477 [Rookie Card] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             175.00

1966 Topps Jim Palmer [Rookie card]  #126 - very nice - - - - - - - - - - - - - -              95.00

1967 Topps Pete Rose #430 Sharp card   - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       75.00

1968 Topps Nolan Ryan #177 [Rookie card] - very nice - - - - - - - - - - - - - -   700.00

1969 Topps Nolan Ryan #533 [2nd year/high number]  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             250.00

1969 Topps Reggie Jackson [Rookie card] #260  nice  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             225.00

1972 Topps Nolan Ryan #595  Really beautiful card  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             125.00

1975 Topps George Brett #228 [Rookie card] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -              80.00

1976 Topps Robin Yount #223 [Rookie card] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -              50.00

1979 TCMA Baseball Card Mickey Mantle #7 [PSA Graded MT 9] - - - - -      150.00

1980 Topps Ricky Henderson #482 [Rookie card] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -               65.00

1987 Fleer Barry Bonds **Rookie Card [NM-MT 8  - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - -               75.00



1980 Topps Baseball card set in album [Ricky Henderson Rookie]- - - - - - -       $ 120.00

1982 Fleer Baseball set [Cal Ripken Rookie card] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -               60.00

1982 Donruss Baseball set [Cal Ripken Rookie card] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -               60.00

1987 Fleer Baseball card factory set in tin box (Barry Bonds RC) - - - - - - - -           95.00

1988 Fleer Baseball card factory set- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     15.00

1989 Upper Deck Baseball factory set [Ken Griffey, Jr. Rookie card] - - - - -          120.00

1990 Leaf Baseball set [Sammy Sosa & Frank Thomas Rookie cards] - - - - -           125.00


Mission America - A cause worth supporting!


Basketball Cards & Sets:


1980-81 Larry Bird/Magic Johnson (Rookie Card) Really sharp!! - - - - - -           $ 350.00

1986-87 Michael Jordan Fleer Rookie Card (PSA Graded Mint 9)- - - - - -         1,800.00

1986-87 Magic Johnson #53 Nice card  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -        30.00

1986-87 Michael Jordan Fleer/Sticker#8 (Rookie sticker) - list/$ 500.00 - -           300.00

1987-88 Michael Jordan Fleer # 59 (2nd year) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      200.00

1987-88 Michael Jordan Fleer/Sticker#2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       40.00

1988-89 Michael Jordan Fleer #17 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      50.00

1990-91 Michael Jordan Fleer #26 [SGC Graded 92 NM/MT+] - - - - - - - -       125.00

1997 Tim Duncan Press Pass Rookie Card/Autographed - - - - - - - - - - - - -           100.00




1975-76 Topps Vintage Basketball set [no gum stains/vending boxes] - - - -       $ 750.00




Chicago Bull NBA Championship Ball – Singed by entire 11 member team

(Including Jordan, Pippen & Rodman) with forensic certificate in case - - - -     2,500.00

Michael Jordan 8x10 Color Picture (1st Slam-dunk Winner) - - - - - - - - - - -        125.00    


Football Cards & Autographs:


Otto Graham Autographed Hall of Fame Gold Standard Card - - - - - - - - - - - -    75.00

Artie Donavon Autographed Baltimore Colts Mini-helmet - - - - - - - - - - - - - -            75.00



1965 Topps Jack Kemp [Very sharp / tall card]  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      225.00

1981 Topps Joe Montana [Rookie card] #216 - Sharp!  - - - - - - - - - - - - - -     175.00


Tiger Woods Golf Cards & Sets:

2001 Upper Deck Tiger Wood Rookie Cards (10 card lot $200) or by pcs. - -      25.00 



2004 Tiger Woods 8x10 Color framed Photo with simulated signature –[nice]-       50.00 


2001 Legends/Grand Slam "Youngest Grand Slam Champion-[GEM MT 10] - -     $ 400.00

2001 Legends/Grand Slam "6 Amateur Championships-[GEM MT 10.0] - - - - - -       400.00

2001 Legends/Grand Slam "Masters: 12 Stroke Victory-[GEM MT 10.0} - - - - - -     400.00

                                [THREE (3) CARD SET FOR $ 1,000.00]


NASCAR Racing Cars, Autographs & Cards:


1995 Dale Earnhardt, Sr. “Silver” Winston Winner 8x10 Color Auto in Silver -    $350.00

2000 Dale Earnhardt, Sr. signed 8x10 Color Photograph [Framed & Matted]     250.00

2000 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. 20x28 Poster signed by Dale, Jr.  [Super Nice]  - - -      125.00

1996 Rusty Wallace Autographed Upper Deck Authenticated Card - - - - - - -     75.00

1997 Dale Jarrett Autographed Scoreboard Card  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -       75.00

1998 Bill Elliot Autographed Press Pass "Signing Gold" List $ 125.00 - - - - -         85.00

1999 Tony Stewart Autographed "Sign of the Times" SP Authentic Card - - -       90.00

1999 Tony Steward Autographed "Press Pass Signings" Number 145/500 - -     125.00

1999 Tony Steward Autographed "Wheels Authentic Autograph" 311/350 - -          125.00

1995 Bill Elliott signed color photograph [unframed]  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -             25.00



#3Dale Earnhardt, Sr. 1995 1/24 Silver Select [2 car set] Silver & Chrome- -     $ 350.00

#3Dale Earnhardt, Sr. 2004 1/24 1999 #1 True Value/IROC Winner - - - - - -         95.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt 1997 Action AC Delco (Bank) List- $100 - 200 - - - - - - -         100.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt 2000 Action G/W Taz No Bull (Bank)- List-$150 -250  - -        200.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt 2001 Action Goodwrench Plus (Dale's last car)  - - - - - - -    350.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt 2001 Shadow Box (Dale’s photo & Oreo #3 car - - - -                150.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. 1999Action AC Delco Busch Winner - List $60 -90 - -             75.00

#20 Tony Stewart 1999 Action Home Depot B/W -List $125 -200  - - - - - - -            150.00

#24 Jeff Gordon 1997 Action Dupont Million $$ (Bank) List $45 -80 - - - - -              75.00

#24 Jeff Gordon 2001 Dupont Color Chrome w/flames ‘Championship Car’-            95.00

#24 Jeff Gordon 2001 Shadow Box (Jeff’s photo & Championship car) - - - -         125.00

#48 Jimmy Johnson 2001 Action Lowe’s Rookie car - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -    95.00

#48 Jimmy Johnson 2001 Team Caliber Rookie car - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -      75.00



#3 Dale Earnhardt 2001 Action Goodwrench Plus/OREO 1/32 -  lists $60.00 - - -     50.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt 2001 [1:64] Classic Hood/Winston'95 - - - -[RARE] - - - -               25.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt 2000 [1:43] Double Platinum: Dale/Owner List-$35-75 -                35.00

#3 Dale Earnhardt, Jr. 1999 [1:64] AC Delco Busch List: $4- 10 - - - - - - - -                   6.00

#20 Tony Stewart 2001 [1:64] Home Depot [autographed} - - - - - - - - - - - - -     95.00


Promo & Non-sports Cards & Sets:

Back-to-back Muhammad Ali/Al Unser, Jr. [Promotional Card] - - - - - - - - -       $ 75.00

1978 Sunbeam Bread [30 Card Superman/Super Heroes Set] - - - - - - - - - - - -         95.00


This is only a partial listing of items available *Additional discounts available on multiple orders

To place an order call or fax [410] 392-7812 (if no answer leave a message and we’ll return your call)

or you may email us at And Thanks for your support!  Jim Rogers**



-  - (Please mail or email information below to use your credit card) -  -   


     We can now accept Visa or MasterCard for your convenience.  Please submit the following information so we can complete the transaction- Visa  or  M/C  (circle one)


Item(s) purchased _____________________________ Amount of sale $ ___________


Account # ___________________________________    Expires _________________


 Customer Code (last 3 digits on back of card where signature goes)  _______


          Signature on Credit Card ___________________________________________



          Printed Name: ____________________________________________________


          Address: _________________________________________________________


          City_____________________________________ State_______ Zip__________


          Phone_________________ Fax____________________ Email ______________