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Hi! Welcome to my website!

You have entered a web site with a little bit of stuff about me and alot of stuff about Mustangs.

Check out some of the Mustang forum links below. Join 'em, and post!

Click here to see the Mustang photo gallery that I put together, or here for a page with some other links and stuff for Mustangs. You can also click here to see some pictures of the Ford SVT (Special Vehicle Team) F-150 Lightning.

Click here to see some stuff about me.

Click here to see "what's new".

Click some of the links below to check out some great online Mustang forums...
DFW Stangs
Mustang World
5.0 Tech
Oklahoma Deadhorse Mustangs
More to come as soon as I find more. I'm probably just forgetting some.

I would appreciate any suggestions on how to make this site better. If you see any errors, mispellings, or anything you think could be better, feel free to contact me.

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