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I am in the process of updating this site. I hope to be able to put in some time on it in the next couple of weeks. Also, due to the limited storage space and general instability of my page on I may end up moving to another server
April 05 2001


Corner Brook, Newfoundland, Canada

Click to get larger image (45k)

  This is my hometown;CornerBrook , Newfoundland ( Canada ), on one of the few sunny days we get. The major part of the picture is taken up with the paper mill (that and the hospital are the major sources of employment for Corner Brook ). The right side foreground contains two malls, Canadian Tire, and a bunch of smaller stores (mostly hidden by the trees and a little out of the picture). The little patch of grass and trees in the upper right is a section of the Blow-me-Down (or Blomidon, I never paid much attention to the name before) golf course. Behind the first set of mountains leads to Marble Mountain, which is best ski hill I have ever been on. Of course, I have only been on three in my life, but hey. The others were Copper Creak, in Baie Verte, NF; the other was Brookvale in PEI (both are exceptional hills for their size).
   I put together a photoalbum. Be sure to check it out. In the photos from around Corner Brook photo album, I have another picture of the city taken from the background in the above picture. In it you can see the lookout where this picture was taken (the Captain Cook monument). As I am sure you can imagine, It is a really nice lookout.

If you are interested in a little more of what Newfoundland has to offer, I have placed links to what I believe are the two best reasons for being there. For the skiers, check outMarble Mountain. Supposedly "the best skiing east of the Rockies". Believe that if you will, I can't verify the claim. Then, for the nature, camping, and hiker types, there is Gros Morne National Park. If you do happen to venture up there, keep your eye out for moose, they seem to like the roads a little too much. Gros Morne is, in my opinion, the best thing going for Newfoundland, so be sure to have a gander at it. I have a set of pictures which have been taken aound the Park.

Click to get larger image (36k) This is a shot of Gross Morne Mountain. It provides a decent 6 or 8 hour hike (if memory serves). There is a really awesome view from the top. In my Gros Morne photo album, I have a picture from the top, it is a must see. I got this picture from another Gros Morne site. The site is still under construction, but there is still a good bit there, and it looks like it will be really nice once finished.


For any Newfies who have landed here, I have thrown in a couple of the forwarded emails I have recieved in the last two years (I lost all the others I had). Of course, anybody can look at them, but they might not seem as funny as they really are unless you have at least some Newfieblood in yeh. If you have something which is good for a laugh, please send it along.

  Things You Will Never Hear a Newfie Say
  NewfsAway From Home
  NewfieLetter From Home
  Newfie/NovaScotia Windows 98
  I am a Newfie

    I have put together a collection of some entertaining forwarded emails. If you are looking for a laugh, they should servethe purpose.

Check out Terra Nova'ssite for some really cool Newfoundland pics, and more.

Also, take a look the OZfm website. You can listen to the radio via real audio. It is probably the coolest radio station on the rock. If you are up early enough in the morning you have to listen to the Dawn Patrol(6 am to 9 am [GMT -330]) . I don't know how to describe, you have to hear it for yourself. If you need Real Audio you can grab it here, or from the OZ site. Make sure, if you go, you take a look at their Real Juke box, it will give you a taste of what you can expect on the Dawn Patrol.

Just make sure you come back :-)

I am presently living in PEI (still in Canada) doing a masters in Chemistry at UPEI. If you would like to see what I have been up to in the chemistry lab here while working on my masters, take a look at my research.My work deals mainly with making metal complexes, and their analysis. I have been working mainly with a nickel complex, studying its redox chemistry through stopped flow kinteics. We are just about to start into work with platinum. We are hoping to get some anti cancer activity from our work with it. If all goes really well, maybe we will find a substitute for cisplatin which is presently used in chemotherapy. I have tried to make the discussion as painless as I could, even if you have no idea about chemistry you should still find it interesting. I have only been here a year, and I don't know too much in the way of exciting things about PEI itself. I can tell you it is a really nice place to live. IfI get a chance I will try and work on some cool PEI stuff.

Of course, all work and no play makes for a dull surfer, so be sure to have a look at the QuakeII: Freeze Tag section. I have included the model I use (Tekk-blade) for download. The model didn't include CTF skins needed for freeze tag so I renamed a couple, and placed them in the Freeze Tag section. The VWEP is there as well. There are also some useful links to important quake sites.

Email me at