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Ok, An introduction to HEDDMUNKEY. We're a band with 6 members (see links) and an attitude to play loud music in an original (read poor) way.

Watch it, we're growing by the second, soon you'll mum will have heard of us and Nike will make "Munkey" Tee-Shirts, well..... maybe...

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Okay, welcome to our message board, or the battle zone, as it is now know.

If your interested in insulting us or hurling abuse (as we know a lot of you are) please follow these simple guidlines we have drawn up, to aid you in you hatred.

1. Always start your comment with a pun on our name, for example 'Hedd Wankers', Hedd Muppets' or 'Twat Munkies'. This will ensure that you have our full attention.

2. Next throw in a general insult, the more homophobic and bigoted the better, eg 'you are gay faggot fucking bender prettyboy poofs'. This will add a much needed weight to your post.

3. Now for your point. You may have your own idea about what you want to say, but we think you'd be better off following the trend and not bucking convention. Here are the most popular reasons for peoples anger, choose one or more.

1a. You are unoriginal and you rip off other bands.

2a. We don't like the clothes you wear, they are too fashionable (kool).

3a. You are prettyboys, and not ugly enough (Barney).

4a. You are arrogant and stuck up (....).

5a. You are untalented and will never be as good as the American bands we worship.

6a. My band is better (Probably).

4. Okay we are nearly at the end of your post, now is the time to add any little bit of personal insult you may have about any one of us. Remember, the more swear words and homophobia, the better.

5. Now to end the post, you must always use a basic form of sarcasm,

and sign off with something like 'love' 'luv' or 'yours lovingly', and then your amusing made up name.

6. A few points to remember,

1b. Never, and we mean NEVER leave an email address so that we can contact you and actually take you up on some of your comments.

Anonymity is always best!!

2b. Remember to mis-spell a few of the words, and to include at least one sentence which doesn't make sense.

Okay. you are now ready to enter the world of fun and abuse

that is the HM Forum, happy hunting kids!!.. .

People we know and Places we go

Us Lot
Gigs: Yeah well...........
Fans: You Lot
Fun Stuff
Band Practises
Previous Poll Results
All the games you need
Predict your future here (game 1)
