Section 3:

Changing the oil and oil filter.


In this section you will change your oil.


1)     Put ramps down in front of the vehicle’s tires.


Figure 8: Photo by Dustin Bryson


2)     Pull vehicle onto ramps.


Figure 9: Photo by Dustin Bryson

Photo Courtesy of Microsoft Clipart

3)     Put the vehicle into gear, set the parking brake, and shut off engine.


4)     Put the drain pan under the drain plug.



5)     Take the 9/16 wrench and unscrew the drain plug.  Have a rag ready incase you need to wipe your hands off.


Figure 10: Photo By Dustin Bryson


6)     Wait until the oil has all drained out, and replace the drain plug.


7)     Move pan under the oil filter, and unscrew filter with the filter wrench.


Figure 11: Photo by Dustin Bryson


8)     Once all oil has drained out put the new oil filter back on hand tight.



Photo Courtesy of Microsoft Clipart

9)     If any oil is spilled you need to put floor dry on the spot.


10)                     Pop the hood.


11)                     Take the oil cap off, stick the funnel into the oil reservoir, and pour the five quarts of oil into the funnel.


                                                                                                      Figure 12: Photo By Dustin Bryson               Figure 13: Photo By Dustin Bryson


12)                     Pull funnel out of reservoir, and screw the cap back on.


13)                     Now close the hood and pull off the ramps.


14)                     Make sure you dispose of the used oil and filters properly.


This is the completion of the oil change section.  You should have a new oil filter, and new oil in your vehicle.


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