Section 2:

Changing the air filter.


In this section you will change your air filter.

Photo Courtesy of Microsoft Clipart

1)  Pop the hood, and make sure your vehicle is shut off.


2)     Loosen the wing nuts with your hand, and take the top of the air breather off.


Figure 4: Photo by Dustin Bryson


3)     Remove the old air filter by grabbing it and lifting it up.

Figure 5: Photo Courtesy of


4)     Wipe the air breather out with a rag, so there is no dirt or obstructions inside.


5)     Insert the new air filter.

Figure 6: Photo Courtesy of




6)     Place the top of the air breather back on.


Figure 7: Photo by Dustin Bryson


7)     Screw the wing nuts back on hand tight.


This is the completion of this section.   You should have a new air filter installed on you vehicle.


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