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Chapter 1 --- 6 months later...

“ Well, I’m sure glad summer’s finally here!” Mellisa exclaimed. I smiled. “I miss Zac.” Jawnell whined. I looked over to her, exasperated. “Well dearie, I miss Taylor too.” “Just as much as I miss Isaac, and all the Hansons for that matter?” Mellisa said. We sighed in unison. “In my last letter, Zac said that they planned a world tour.” “WHAT ??” I yelled. “Does that mean that we won’t see them for another 6 months?” Involuntary tears streaked Mellisa’s face. “I can’t believe that we haven’t seen them for that long!” Jawnell said, clearing her throat. “Why the tears? What’s the use?” I slumped against Mellisa, pulling her close into a hug. “We should have never gotten ourselves into this sticky situation in the first place.” Mellisa sniffled tears away. I looked into her eyes. “Excuse me? Did I hear you right?” I placed a trembling hand on her swollen stomach. Her strength withered away and her hand molded on top of mine. “Mel, don’t give up on Ike!” Jawnell screamed. “He loves you so much! And you have his child inside your womb!” “I know,” Mellisa whimpered. “I love him too! I just can’t stand being away from him! And our daughter will be born so soon!” Jawnell and I just stared at her. Our woops of joy cut the silence quickly. “When did you find out you were having a girl?” I asked, hugging her fiercely. “Today at lunch. I had an appointment. One of my last ultra-sounds before I’m due.” “Why didn’t you tell us?” Jawnell asked. “We always go with you.” “Well, I was kinda freaked out, and I guess that in a way, I needed to go by myself.” I smiled at her. “We understand perfectly, darling.” Jawnell joined in for a group hug. “Well, when are you gonna tell Ike?” I asked. “I wanna phone him tonight.” “Well, why don’t we all go to my house for snacks, and we can phone from there. I’m sure this one’s getting famished.” Jawnell said, patting Mel’s belly. “ I’m very grateful!” Mel replied. We all headed towards Jawnell’s house with broad smiles on our faces. “How are you gonna tell him?” Jawnell asked. “Straight out, or make him guess?” “Well, I’ve been thinking about it. He’s told me before he wants a girl, so I think I’ll just tell him that his wish came true.” I smiled at her. “He’ll really like that.” We arrived at Jawnell’s driveway and climbed up the stairs. “Hi guys!” Jawnell’s mom, Robyn, cried. We looked over to the garden where she was bending over a row of carrots. “Hi!” We yelled in unison. Jawnell opened the front door. Just before we followed her in, we heard Robyn screaming again. “Oh! Guys! I almost forgot to tell you! Zac called! Call him back, it sounded important.” Jawnell peeked from around the corner. “Thanks mom!” Robyn gave her the thumbs up and went back to her carrots. We walked into the house and dropped our stuff on the couch. Jawnell immediately ran for the phone. She was halfway through dialing Tulsa when I placed my hand on her shoulder. “Mel and the baby are hungry, remember? Chill.” She replaced the receiver into the cradle, and sighed. I laughed, making my way into her kitchen. I popped bread into the toaster and made peanut-butter sandwiches for everyone. “Here we go,” I said, placing a plate in front of Jawnell and Mellisa. “Eat. It’s very nourishing.” We are in silence for a few minutes, until Mellisa said, "I can’t wait anymore! I’ve got to tell Ike. NOW!” She rushed to the phone and dialed quickly. “Hello, Tay! Hi! This is Mellisa. Is Isaac there? Oh, yea, she’s here. Yep. We got Zac’s message. Yea. Well, talk to you soon! Bye!” She turned and smiled at me. “Tay sends his love… until he talks to you!” She winked at me. “Hi honey! We’re both doing great, and you? Good! Hey…guess what daddy…We’re gonna have a girl!” We could hear his woops of joy from across the room. I smiled. Mellisa talked to Ike for what seemed like hours, until it was finally my turn. “Hi Taylor!” I said into the phone. “Umm, you got the wrong brother! Sorry! Hold on!” Zac was running around the house, giggling. I could hear Taylor screaming in the background. Finally, his voice rose above Zac’s. “Mel! Are you still there?” Tay asked breathlessly. “Yep honey, I’m here.” Relief flooded through his voice. “It’s so good to hear from you!” “ I…I miss you Taylor.” I choked on my words at the sound of his voice. Tears moistened my eyes. “Mel! Don’t cry!” Tay pleaded. But I couldn’t help it! “Hey! I know something that’ll make you smile! We canceled the tour! We’re coming to spend the summer with you guys in Portland! Are you happy?” “What?!? Oh my gosh! I can’t believe it! Taylor, I’m so happy! What made you guys change your minds?” “Well, we love you guys, we miss you, and want to be with you more than anything! Need I say more?” My arms ached for him. “Mellisa and Ike have to get married before the baby gets here, don’t they? Don’t tell her, but we’re planning a big wedding!” “Oh wow!” I screamed. Jawnell was prancing around me, asking what was going on. I shhhed her away. “I was supposed to hold off telling you, but Mel, I just couldn’t! I want you in my arms right now!” “When are you guys coming?” I asked, beyond excitement. Jawnell looked at me, bewildered. “They’re coming?” she whispered in disbelief. “I’m gonna see Zac?” I smiled at her and nodded. “We’ll be there in five days. Oh! Now I want to kick myself for telling you! It was supposed to be a surprise!” “Don’t kick yourself!” I giggled. “Mel was in tears earlier today because we missed you so much! I am soooo happy! Here’s what I’ll do! I’ll pretend to be surprised when you get here, ok? Well, Jawnell is kicking me, cause I’m hogging the phone!” Tay laughed. “I can’t wait to see you Mel,” “Me too.” “I love you.” “I love you too, Taylor.” “Bye.” I handed the phone over to Jawnell, who was beaming. “Hi Zac.” Her voice barely registered. I sat on the couch next to Mellisa. “So, did Ike tell you?” she smiled. “Yes! I am so happy! But Mel, I’m nervous! I haven’t seen Ike for over 6 months! I got so fat!” “Mel, your not fat, your pregnant! Isaac thinks you’re beautiful! Don’t you think he’ll find you even more beautiful now that you’re carrying his child, his daughter?” She looked at me with gratitude. “You’ll be okay.” I patted her hand and stood. I walked to the bathroom slowly. The cold water I splashed on my face felt food and refreshing. A smile lingered on my lips. Tay was coming. Tears suddenly sprung to my eyes. A cry of joy passed my lips. I sat down on the edge of the ceramic counter and let it all out. When I could trust myself to go back, Jawnell was still talking to Zac. “Zac!” I heard her giggle. “Stop it! Save it for when you get here!” She looked at us and turned crimson. “He’s being silly…” she stammered. “Well, I can’t wait to see you either! I love you, bye.” Before he had the chance to reply, she hung up. “What did you do that for?” Mellisa asked, laughing. Jawnell paled. “You tell him for the first time that you love him, and you hang up!” Mellisa and I couldn’t stop laughing. “Well,” Jawnell said defendingly, “It will give him time to think!” I laughed, and scooped her up. “He love you, and you know it!” We all ended up in a pile laughing before we noticed Robyn standing over us, with her hands on her hips. “It’s getting pretty wild in here!” Jawnell sprang to her feet and hugged her mom. “What was that for?” she asked. “You’re finally going to meet Zac!” “What? He’s coming here? When?” Robyn asked. “Yes! In 5 days! I’m so happy!” “Wow!” Robyn replied. “Well, where are they gonna stay? Zac didn’t say.” “I don’t know, but hey! My house is big! And it’s the 3 of them coming! We could get them settled no problem! Let’s go talk to my mom, ok?” I said, excitedly. The girls agreed and we gathered our stuff quickly. “See you later mom?” Jawnell asked. Robyn waved us off with a grin. “Be back at 10:00!” she shouted after her daughter.

Chapter 2

The short walk to the bus stop was in silence. Once we were seated and settled for the 10 minute ride, Mellisa laughed. “We’re acting like a bunch of little girls on our way to the ‘Barbie Warehouse’!” We laughed together. “Too bad the rest of the family couldn’t come, but it would have been too complicated.” Jawnell said. “Yea. I would have loved to see the kids again. Zoë must be so big by now!” Mellisa agreed. My tongue burned to tell them that we would see them, all of them, soon, for Mel and Ike’s wedding. Minutes passed. “Hey guys, we’re here!” I said, jumping to my feet. We got off the bus and went up towards my house. When we got there, Zachy, my 3-year-old brother, came bursting through the kitchen with his BuzzLightyear figurine. “To infinity, and BEYOND!” he screamed. I caught him and hugged him. “Hi Zachy! Guess what?” his wet kiss lingered on my cheek. “Taylor, and Isaac, and Zac are coming!” “Oh wow!” he exclaimed, not knowing what was going on at all. I put him down and he ran to the family room, again playing with Buzz. “He’s so cute!” Mellisa exclaimed, touching her tummy. “I can’t believe that soon enough, our little girl will be that big!” “Whoa Mel, I thin you’re getting just a little too ahead of yourself.” Jawnell laughed. “Fine! Go ahead and wreck my fun!” Mel said, laughing also. At that moment, Jeff, my stepfather, came through the front door, home from the hospital, with his stethoscope still around his neck. “Oh, hey guys! School’s out huh?” He said, already making instant coffee. “Tired?” I asked. “Oh yes! Those 36 hour shifts are cruel.” Jawnell nudged my side. “Umm, Jeff, can I ask you something?” I asked uncomfortably. I was almost sure he wouldn’t agree, but I guess it was good to get this out of the way first. If things didn’t look up, then I’d go to mom. “Sure Mel, what is it?” He took his cup and sat down at the table. The girls and I followed, and took a seat around him. “Okay…” I said, clearing my throat. Mellisa gave me a look of encouragement. I decided to say it straight out. “Isaac, Taylor, and Zac decided to come see us for the summer, and well, I was kind of hoping they could stay here…” I winced at Jeff’s look of surprise. “Wow! Ok! Explain please. They’re coming to Portland?” “Yes.” I said more calmly. “They’ll be here in 5 days. I’m sure they’ve reserved hotel rooms at a hotel near here, but think how much it will cost them! They’ll be here the whole summer!” “They can afford it.” Jeff replied coldly. “Sure they can, but they’ll be here, and at the girls houses too, so it would be such a waste to rent hotel rooms your gonna spend 7 or 8 hours a night in!” “I’m sure they’ll be willing to pay for their own food, and anything else,” Mellisa put in. Jeff pondered. “When did you ask if it was okay for you for you to spend the whole summer with them and away from us?” he asked with a hint of anger in his voice. “Well, there you go! If they stayed here, I wouldn’t be gone all the time!” “And where exactly would they sleep? There are 8 of us in this house already for half of the summer! And when my sons leave, 5! And if they’re here, I’m sure Mellisa and Jawnell would conveniently would have sleep-overs here all the time too!” He was now yelling. “Well, Tay could sleep with me in Zachy’s room, the mattress is a queen! And Isaac could sleep in the bed in my room, and Zac on the hide-a-bed downstairs until your kids leave. Then there would be 3 bed freed for them in OV’s room. They could stay there…” “Oh no!” Jeff interrupted. “Tay will never sleep with you! Do you want to end up like Mellisa? He’ll be down your pants at the first opportunity!” Mellisa bit her lower lip. Jawnell took her hand gently. “Taylor is not like that! We are not having sex Jeff! I’m 16 and he’s 17! Come on!” “Yea. I’m sure that’s what Mellisa thought too. ‘Isaac is not like that’. Well, now look at her! She’s 16 and stuck with a kid.” Tears streamed down Mellisa’s cheeks. The anger boiled from my mouth. “You leave her out of this!” I shouted. “Isaac and Mel are having a baby because they chose to! They love eachother! Not that you know how that feels anyway.” I muttered bitterly. My mother appeared in the kitchen doorway, Zachy propped up on her hip. “Wow! Stop! Time out! Exactly what is going on here?”

Chapter 3

She came and sat down between Jeff and I, easing the tension a bit. After the situation was explained to her, she smiled. “Come on Jeff! It’s not that bad! If you really don’t want Taylor to sleep with Melo, I’m sure Zac or Ike would give Tay room in their beds! Both beds are big, and they’re brothers!” I didn’t know why she was being so nice about it, but I guessed that meeting Tay for the first time had something to do with it. “Well, I don’t know…” Jeff said. “You know how much my kids like being around me, and alone as much as possible.” “Well, you guys can go do things on your own! Ov’s got friends to be with, Zachy just loves them, and well, I don’t mind them a bit! I’m dying to meet the boy, the man, I don’t know what to say, who stole my daughter’s heart.” She said, smiling at me. Jeff still didn’t look convinced. “They’re gonna be here anyway, weather you like it or not, so why not make it easier!” I said in a pleading voice. Finally, Jeff melted into a smile. “Fine, fine! You got me! Personally, I want to meet them too! You make them sound so wonderful!” Before he even finished his sentence, we were swarming around him, voicing our thank you’s loudly. He pulled back and looked at Mellisa. “Mellisa, I’m very sorry for what I said. It was mean. I’m happy for you that you’re having a baby. How’s it doing anyway?” he asked, slipping his stethoscope in his ears. “She’s doing great. Kicking lots.” Mel replied. “Do you mind if I try to pick up the heartbeat?” he asked, mentioning his stethoscope. “Sure,” Mel said. Jeff carefully peeled back her shirt and exposed her big belly, and popping navel. He placed the stethoscope on the middle of her stomach. After a few seconds, he smiled. “Come here Mel.” I walked over and he handed me the stems. I stuck them in my ears and giggled. “I can hear her little heart! Oh Mel!” “Let me hear!” Jawnell came over, and I handed it to her. After a few seconds, it was her turn to gush over the baby’s soft distant heartbeat. Mel looked so proud. I gave Jeff an appreciative look. He just smiled back at me. “Well, let’s go get everything ready for the guys!” Jawnell said, excitedly. “Don’t you think we should call and tell them first?” Mel said. “Good idea.” I marched over to the phone, and dialed the Hanson household once more. It rang twice. “Hello?” The voice was deep, deeper than Ike’s even. “Hello Walker!” I said. “Melodie! Hi! It’s good to hear from you!” “You too! Too bad you can’t come this summer! I miss you!” “Oh! Tay didn’t tell you we were all coming at the end of August for the wedding?” “Yes. He did.” Walker understood. “Is Mellisa around?” “Uh huh.” “Well okay then, I suppose you want to talk to Tay?” “Yes please!” “Ok Mel. Bye! See you soon!” “Bye Walker. Kiss everybody from the girls and I ok?” “I’ll be sure to do that.” He replied. The next voice I heard was Taylor’s. “Hey Mel! It’s good to hear your voice so soon again.” “Hi Tay! I’ve got good news! We found a place for you guys to stay at while your down here.” Tay laughed. “Do you really think we’re that irresponsible?” “Of course not!” I replied, laughing too. “It’s all arranged, we’re staying at the Best Western 10 minutes from your house.” “No you’re not!” “What?” he asked, confused. “You’re staying at my house!” I exclaimed. “ Mel? Are you serious?” he asked. “Of course I am!” “YES!” He screamed. “Yes! Mel! I’m gonna stay with you?” “Yes Tay! Are you happy?” “Am I happy? Being with you for hours longer makes me the happiest guy that lived!” I smiled. “Everything’s arranged. You’re coming home to me in 5 days.” “Thank you Mel! And thank your parents.” “I will Tay. Are we picking you up, or will you guys have a car?” “We’ll rent a car once we get there.” “Ok love, see you soon!” “Yes, very soon!” “I love you!” “I love you too! Bye!” I hung up, happy.

Chapter 4

The next 4 days dragged on endlessly. By that time, we had the hide-a-bed unfolded and made for Zac, and the bed in my room done for Isaac too. It was late afternoon, around 2, when the girls and I found ourselves munching on twinkies around the kitchen table. “Well, tomorrow’s the day. Do we have everything together?” I asked the girls. “Oh yea! We arranged everything nicely!” Mel said. “The flowers from your mom’s garden was a nice touch, Mel.” I smiled. The roses we left by their beds would make them happy. “I just hope they don’t wilt before they have the chance to see them!” I said. “Yea. Maybe we should have waited until tomorrow. What time did they say they would get here?” Mellisa asked. “Tay didn’t say exactly…” Ding, Dong! I was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell. I groaned. “Oh God! Probably one of Ov’s friends.Why doesn’t he tell them when he goes out?” The bell rang again, more urgently this time.“Ah, just let it go.” Jawnell said, yawning. I pulled myself up. “Nah, I have to get it. Might be important. But if it’s a salesman, beware!” The girls’ laughter followed me into the hall. I peered out the small window next to the door and saw nothing. I leaned farther. Who could that be? The doorbell rang again, this time right next to my ear. “Okay, Okay, I’m coming!” I unlocked the deadbolt and opened the door slowly. Zac’s smiling face met mine the next second. He flung himself into my arms. “Surprise Mel!” I hugged him tightly. Behind him, I could see Taylor’s piercing blue eyes, and wet stringy hair. And behind him, Isaac furiously trying to get past. I laughed and pulled away from Zac. “What are you doing here! Ahhh! You’re soaking wet, Zac!” I cried. “Yea, it’s sort of raining outside.” He gave me a goofy grin. At that time, Mellisa and Jawnell came running into the hall. “Oh Zac! You’re here!” Jawnell threw herself into his arms. He hugged her tightly for several long seconds. He pulled away and held her face between his sweaty palms. “I love you too, Jawnell.” Their lips met for a split second. I smiled. Ike finally managed to fly past Tay and landed at his knees in front of Mellisa. He placed his hands on her stomach and gave soft, timid kisses to their unborn child. Mel’s fingers entwined into his lock of curly brown hair. He looked up at her lovingly and stood. Their embrace was impossible to watch without feeling the need for Tay in my arms. I turned and looked at him.He was still standing outside, getting rained on. I took his hands and guided him inside. My finger threaded through his wet hair and found their place around his neck. We looked at each other intensely, until I couldn’t stand it anymore. I pulled him down and reached for his lips with mine. They barely touched, brushing, tickling every surface. He pulled me into his arms and just held me. “You little devil!” I whispered into his ear. “Showing up a day early!” He laughed. “You know you’re loving every second of it.” He replied, teasingly. “You’re right. I am.” I pulled him down again for a kiss. His lips parted just enough to send shivers down my spine. My heart burned with desire every time his tongue pulsed against mine. “Now, now!” Zac exclaimed. “Get a room you two!” Taylor turned, to look at him with an evil eye, but Zac just cracked up. “What are you guys doing here early?” Mellisa finally managed to ask. “Well, one day early to surprise our girls just sounded really good to us!” Zac said, looking at Jawnell. Taylor took my hand and entwined my fingers with his. “Well, I’m glad you guys decided to do that!” Jawnell smiled at Zac. “Well, look at you guys! I’ll go grab some towels.” I left Taylor’s side quickly and ran up the stairs before he could protest. When I returned, only Mel and Jawnell were standing there. Had I dreamed? No. 3 small puddles of water on the floor told me I had not. I smiled to myself and ran down the remaining steps. “They went to get their suitcases.” Mel told me.“And wouldn’t let us help!” Jawnell added. “Well, you know the guys…” At that moment, they came back in, carrying 2 suitcases and a backpack each. They set them down and looked at me sheepishly. I handed them each a towel. When their shoes were removed and they were considerably dry, we showed them around the house and to their rooms. After Zac had deposited of his stuff into his ‘room’, (also the computer room) he followed us downstairs. “I have to apologize, Taylor and Ike, but you guys have to share a bed.” I said quietly. Zac started howling with laughter. I felt bad. “Sorry guys! Just for 2 weeks though! But I’m sure that when my stepdad’s not home, I could sneak Taylor into my bed. Sometimes, he’s gone for 60 hours at a time.” Taylor smiled at me incredulously. I reddened. “My step brothers will be here for 2 weeks, then you guys can move into their beds when they leave.” I explained. “That’s not a problem. Just as long as you can manage to get him,” Ike shoved Tay in my direction “away a few nights a week.” He finished, laughing. “I’ll try.” Everyone joined into the laughter. “Well, are you guys hungry?” I asked. I was answered by a nod from everybody’s heads. “Okay, you guys can change into dry clothes, and I’ll be downstairs, making some soup. Does that sound good?” “Great!” Ike and Tay replied together. I shut the door and Zac and the girls followed me downstairs. I went into the pantry and took 4 cans of soup out. “You can go change Zac.” I said, mentioning his room. He nodded and headed there. “He forgot to shut the door, you should go do it for him Jawnell.” Mellisa said, watching her reaction with interest. She got up from the table, and went to his door. After 10 seconds, she still hadn’t shut it. I walked up behind her to see what was going on. Zac stood there, with his back to us, only wearing his boxers. I poked her sides and she jumped. Zac turned around and looked at her blushing face. “Oh! I guess I forgot to shut the door!” Just before he did, he reached for her face and kissed her. Then he was gone. She returned to the table, speechless. Mel and I just looked at her, smiling. “Well, looks like your relationship with Zac is developing into something more!” I said, to her, finding the can opener. “Yea…” she said dreamily. Mel smiled at her. I deposited of the cans and turned on the stove. A few minutes later, the soup was simmering softly. “Hmmm. What smells so good down here!” Taylor asked, turning the corner into the kitchen. “You know… what’s cooking.” He smiled and took me into his arms. I kissed his forehead lightly and turned back to the soup that was now boiling away. Ike came in soon after Tay, wearing fresh, dry clothes also. “Come here you,” he said to Mellisa. They went to sit on the couch together where Ike kept his hand on her stomach. The rain pelted violently on the window behind them. The ring she wore on her finger caught the light form the sudden lightning bolt and glimmered. “Hey guys.” Zac entered the room, smiling and went over to sit by Jawnell. Tay helped me take 6 bowls out of the cupboard. His body pressed against mine from behind. The almost forgotten scent of CK BE filled my nostrils. I couldn’t help it. I turned around and wrapped my arms around his waist. My cheek rested on his chest. “Taylor, I’m so glad you’re here with me.” I whispered. “I’m glad I’m here with you too.” He said. “Um, service!” Zac said, snapping his fingers. I groaned and pulled away. “Yes you highness!” Everyone laughed. I put soup into 6 bowls evenly and brought them all to the table in not time, thanks to Taylor’s help. We ate silence. When we were finished, Mellisa and Ike offered to do the dishes. Jawnell and Zac went into this room, closing the door behind them. Tay sighed, and pulled me down next to him on the couch. “Nice place you got here,” he said, looking around. “Thanks. My mom loves to decorate with her own crafts. She’s very good.” “Yes, it’s beautiful.” Taylor agreed. “Mel! We’re home!” Jeff’s voice boomed from the entrance. “Hey, who’s car is that in the driveway?” I smiled at Taylor. “Well, time to meet the good old parents!”

Chapter 5

Tay smiled at me. “You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to meet your mom!” “Oh really?! Come on then!” I winked at him. I took his hand and guided him to where she was patiently trying to remove Zachy’s right shoe. He looked up and saw Taylor. “Tay!” he screamed. He jumped up and attached himself to Tay’s leg. My mother fell back in surprise. She stood, brushed herself off, and looked at Taylor with a big smile. He offered his hand. “It’s so good to finally meet you…” mom muttered. I smiled. “Mom, this is Tay, as you know, and Tay, this is my mom Nicole, as you know also.” Mom could not stop looking at him. Jeff came up behind her, eyed her hand still in his, and Zachy who hadn’t yet let go of his leg. “Well. Taylor Hanson! It’s nice to meet you.” Tay shook Jeff’s hand firmly. Ike, Mellisa, Jawnell, and Zac came out to greet them also. After everyone had met each other, Jeff asked, “I thought you guys weren’t coming until tomorrow. What happened?” “We decided to surprise the girls,” Ike said simply. “And us also!” mom said suddenly. “I’ll have to hustle to get tomorrow’s welcome dinner ready in time for tonight!” Zac bit his lower lip, looking guilty. “Don’t worry! If I get started right now, I should be fine.” She said, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Christ!” Jeff whispered. “I still can’t believe you guys are right there in front of me!” Tay smiled and wrapped an arm around me.He looked down at Zachy, who was still staring at him, wide-eyed. “Hi little buddy,” he said softly, kneeling down. Zachy smiled and stuck out his tongue. “Don’t take offense! He does that when he’s shy.” Mom assured Tay. For the first time since he had gotten home, Zachy looked around him. “Ike! Ike! Ike!” he began chanting. Everyone laughed. “He seems to be stuck on your name lately,” I told Ike. “Why do I feel like I know this kid?” Zac asked, laughing. Zachy turned toward the voice and yelped with excitement. He ran forward and took Zac’s hand. “Well, see you guys later!” he laughed as Zachy dragged him away. We followed them, curious to see what Zachy’s mad attempts to pull Zac Hanson into his toy room might bring. He let go of his hand and jumped up and down, pointing to the corner of the room where laid a miniature digital toy drum set. “I play drums too!” he cried. Zac’s smile widened into a grin. “That’s nice! Keep it up Zachy! Who knows, someday you and Zoë might take over the band!” “Zoë?” Zachy asked, puzzled. We laughed. “Yea! Zoë!” Zac continued. “She’s my little sister! You’ll meet her this summer.” Ike shot Zac a warning glance. “…Or the summer after that,” he finished lamely. Mellisa didn’t seem to notice his slip. Zachy ran past everyone and bounced around the kitchen singing his own version of ‘Ikeadummmbop’ at the top of his lungs. Tay smiled. “Man! This guy’s our biggest fan!” I smiled and kissed Tay’s cheek. “Learned from the best.” His lips took shape into a smile against my ear. Mom went to the kitchen with her bag-fulls of food to try to tame Zachy, but he was just sky-high with excitement. “Ike, Tay, Zac!” he screamed over and over. “Hey! Whose sweet ass car is parked in front of the house?” Ov, my 14-year-old brother, asked, turning the corner into the family room. “Mine. For the summer.” Ike announced. Tay cleared his throat. “Oh. And Taylor’s also when he wants to take your sister places.” Ov stopped dead in his tracks. “Wow. What the hell is Hanson doing in my house?” he asked, turning to Jeff. “Ov!” mom yelled. “Be polite to our guests! If you had been home for the past 5 days, you might have known!” “The next thing you’ll have to deal with around here.” Jeff muttered. “Living up to your name.” I squeezed Taylor’s hand. He removed and stepped up to Ov. “Nice to meet you man!” Ov’s expression remained hard. “You bet.” He said sarcastically. “Ov get out.” Mom said firmly. “In a second. I came for chow.” He stepped into the walk-in pantry, took a box of snack bars, and came out, looking at us squarely. “See you morons later.” He marched out of the house and slammed the door behind him. The area where he had just stood smelled strongly of marijuana. Jeff pounded his fist on the counter, and started after him. Mom caught his arm, and said, “Let him go. It’s best he stays away right now.” The boiling furry in Jeff’s eyes burned away the pleading look mom was giving him. He flew up the staircase and went into his room, trying to hide his anger from is. Mom turned and looked at us with a red face. “I’m extremely sorry about this. My son is, … very hard to handle.” “It’s alright.” Isaac said. “Not everybody likes us, and we understand that.” Zac agreed. “Yes, but when it comes to his sister and her friends, he should be respectful.” She said angrily. I went to put a hand on her shoulder. “It’s alright mom, we all know how Ov can be. I’ve warned the boys before.” She shook her head. I turned to them. “Why don’t you guys go get unpacked. I’ll help mom with dinner. They nodded and left the room slowly, Jawnell and Mellisa following. Tay came back a second later and kissed my lips sweetly. “I’ll miss you.” He whispered. Then he was gone. Mom smiled at me with laughing eyes. “He is sweet,” she said quietly. “Oh mother of mine!” I exclaimed, wrapping her into a hug. “I love him so! He is my Romeo!” She laughed. I joined in. “That was pretty cheesy huh?” She didn’t need to answer. “So Miss Cook, what’s on the menu tonight?” I asked. “Pasta Riviera and Caesar salad!” she said cheerfully. “Yummy! Okay! What can I do first?” “Go see Tay Mel, I’m fine. It’s 3:00 now. I’ll have everything on the table by 6:30 or 7:00.” “No way mom, I’m all yours!” she smiled. “Thanks, but no thanks. Go!” she said, shoving me out the door. “Thanks mom,” I said looking at her. She smiled understandingly and shut the door.

Chapter 6

On my way upstairs, I saw Mellisa and Ike heading out the front door with Zachy. “Going around the block with Zachy’s new bike.” Mel explained. “Zac and Jawnell are in Zac’s room, and Tay’s in yours.” “Mine? The one you two are sharing?” I asked Ike, “Or the one I sleep in with Zachy?” “Zachy’s room.” He replied. “Ok then! Bye! Have fun!” I climbed up the rest of the stairs and went to the room where I slept. I opened the door quietly and looked in. Tay was sitting on my bed with one of my baby photo albums open on his lap. He was laughing softly. “Hmm hmm!” I cleared my throat loudly. Tay looked up surprised. “Oh, Mel! I’m sorry.” He snapped the album shut. I closed the door and went to stand by him. “No, it’s alright. Show me what you were laughing at!” I said. He opened the book and looked for the page. He pointed to the picture of my 3rd birthday party. Balloons and conffeties were swarming around me. My mouth was open and laughter danced in my eyes. “What’s so funny about that?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips. “You were just too cute!” he gushed. He pulled me down beside him on the bed. The album pitched forward and bounced onto the floor. Tay went to reach for it, but I pulled him back down and pinned his arms to his chest. I loosened my grip and sat on his tummy. His arms fit nicely around my waist. I leaned down and kissed him. He smiled. I let myself slide off of him and lay on my back. He leaned up on his elbow and slid the other hand under my shirt. The warmth of his hand on my stomach relaxed me completely. “Do you realize we’ve been together for just over a year?” Taylor said softly. I looked at him and smiled. “Hardly.” “And you’ll be an uncle soon!” I added. “Yep. Man! I never thought Isaac, Ikey, my big brother, would marry and have a baby in a year!” I smiled gently at him. “Do you feel like you’ll lose him to Mellisa?” I asked. He looked at me with serious eyes and didn’t answer for a long time. “No,” he said finally. “Me neither.” I agreed. “Ike has endless love for his family, but he also has so much more hidden in a corner of his heart for Mellisa. This may sound strange to you, but Isaac loves you very much Taylor. You’re his first baby brother, his best friend only ‘bester’!” He smiled at me. “I love him too. I know I’ll never lose him.” Satisfied, I leaned up against his chest and sighed. His hand brushed against my breast ever so lightly. “How was the airplane ride?” I asked. “Fine.” he said. “But it felt so empty! I hate having to fly in our own little jet!” “If it’s for your safety though…” “I know, I know!” he sighed. “Did you have problems at the airport?” “Oh, the usual pointing and whispering, but to with you all summer was worth it all!” I smiled and poised my lips on his. A sudden knock at the door made us jump. Tay removed his hand from my shirt a split second before Jeff entered the room. “Mel, I just…” he eyed my wrinkled tee-shirt and moist lips. “What were you guys doing?” he yelled.

Chapter 7

I swallowed nervously. “We were just talking!” I stammered. “Well, you mother needs you downstairs.” He sputtered. “Okay, do you want to come with me Taylor?” “Sure,” Tay agreed quickly. We got up from the bed and I gripped his hand. We raced by Jeff and fled downstairs. Before we entered the kitchen, I looked at Taylor. His face was red and beaded with sweat. “Close one…” I breathed out. He nodded at me. “It’s not that we were doing anything wrong,” I assured him. “It’s just that Jeff would have gotten the wrong idea.” “I know.” “We’ll be more careful next time, that’s all.” I said. He smiled devilishly. “So I take it you do want a next time.” My stomach leapt into my throat. “Just as much as you do…” “So there you guys are! Didn’t you hear me calling?” “Sorry mom.” “Well no. I shouldn’t expect you to.” She winked at Tay. “Anyone who can drive is gone, and Jeff has to pick up his kids. Would you two mind going to pick me up some cream? I need just a bit more for the sauce. I shouldn’t really ask you Mel, Tay’s the driver!” She gave him a hopeful smile. He laughed. “Of course Nicole! C’mon Mel!” he tugged at my sleeve. “Wait, wait!” mom cried. She ran to us with a 10-dollar bill. I took it from her hand and smiled. “Worry we’re in a hurry mom, but can just tell Tay’s dying to be seen driving that hot little car!” He smiled. “Well go on you two!” She laughed. Tay took my hand excitedly and ran to the front door. He pulled out an extra set of keys from his pocket and unlocked the door on my side of the vividly blue mgb convertible. “Oh…Nice!” I shouted my approval. I sat inside and Tay climbed in beside me. The engine roared to life as he turned the key into the ignition. We buckled our seatbelts. “You do realize this is my first time driving with you!” I exclaimed. He smiled at me. “Afraid?” I laughed as he pulled away from the curb. “Okay, you’ll have to help me out here.” “Let’s go to the minute-mart. It’s just 5 minutes away.” “Ok, where to?” I gave him directions. We were there in no time. “Only one of us has to go really…” I commented, opening my door. He opened his just as fast. “No way girly! I’m not letting you out of my sight until I leave!” I met him at the front of the car. “Don’t talk bout leaving now, you just got here!” He laughed. “Alright, let’s go ma’am.” His voice changed with sudden authority. I laughed. He pulled my hands behind my back and sat me on the hood of the car. “You have the right to remain silent…and I’ll help you accomplish that.” His arms came down, keeping me pinned to the car. “Tay, everyone is looking at us!” “Do I look like I care?” he whispered. His lips came down on mine. When he pulled away I asked, “Can I go now officer?” “Sorry. I think I’ll have to take you in for questioning.” “Oh, and what exactly was my crime?” I played along, innocently. “You’re a pesky little thief…You stole my heart.” It was now my turn to fill the small space between our lips. “I think we better get the cream…” I laughed. His fingers locked with mine as we walked into the small store. The fridge was at the other end. We picked up a pint and walked to the counter. Once it was paid for and in the bag, we returned to the parking lot. The gorgeous car was there, waiting for us. “Hmm, this feels like such a dream!” I said, opening my door. Once we were both inside, I looked at Taylor. “I’m afraid that tomorrow I’ll just wake up and find you gone.” Tay looked at me, concerned. “Mel, if that’s what you’re worried about, I’ll never leave you!” he said with a gentle, but worried voice. “I’m not worried about that my love,” I touched his face softly. “Then what is it?” I closed my eyes. “You’re here with me Taylor, you’re here.” He smiled. “That’s right. I’m here.” He touched my hand. We started back toward the house. When we pulled into the driveway, Jeff was standing against the van with his kids, their hands weighed down by suitcases. They were all majorly eyeballing the car. Tay parked it, and we got out. I took his hand and pulled him forward. “Tay, this is Sam, Jake, and Alex. My stepbrothers.” Taylor smiled and shook their hands. We all went in together. “Oh, hi boys!” mom rushed past them. “Where’s that cream? I need it right now!” Taylor looked down at our empty hands and rushed back outside, back in a moment with the pint of cream. Mom looked at him gratefully. “The last ingredient!” she rushed past her stepsons again to add the rich substance to the sun-dried tomatoes. “Hey Nikki!” Jeff said, coming up from behind her. “My kids already ate. You guys have your welcome dinner, and I’ll take them to a movie.” Mom nodded in agreement. “Have fun boys!” she waved them off. A few minutes later, they were gone. “Boy! I bet they feel loved right now!” I said. Mom laughed. “Sorry! I hope they understand I’ve got my hands full!” I sniffed at the inviting aroma. I looked around. Everything was perfect. The lights were dimmed and candles were lit. Fresh roses from the garden scattered a sweet scent across the tablecloth. Our best china and silver was out. It was going to be great! “Why don’t you guys go find Isaac and Mellisa. They’re still outside, somewhere with Zachy. Jawnell and Zac are in Zac’s room. God know what they’re doing!” She didn’t seem to care at that specific moment. All she wanted was to get everything together. “Sure mom, we’ll be outside if you need us.” I led Taylor through the back door. The evening air was warm, but fresh. Mel, Isaac and Zachy were playing in the backyard, and didn’t seem to notice us come out. We took a seat on 2 comfy lawn chairs and just watched them. “Run! Run for your life!” Isaac screamed, walking in slow motion, his fingers pointed outward to form invisible claws. Mellisa scooped Zachy up and ran to the other end of the yard. I smiled. “Ike’s going to be a great father.” I told Tay. “Yes. He will be. He’s had a lot of practice with our big family. When she was little, Jessica was his little protégé!” I smiled. “I can just picture it!” “Well, we better get them.” Tay said. I nodded in agreement. “Hey guys!” he shouted. Mellisa and Ike looked up. “Time for dinner!” Isaac took Zachy in his arms and walked towards the house, Mellisa close behind. The boys walked ahead. I took Mel’s hand. “You guys looked so great all together!” she smiled. “Isaac is so good with children! I had never taken time to notice,” she said, placing a hand on her stomach, “But now it’s quite important.” “Taylor and I noticed that too.” We entered the house. “Hmmm!” Mellisa said. “It smells great Nicole!” Mom smiled. “Sit down you guys! Help yourselves to the salad. Mel, please go get Jawnell and Zac!” I stood, and walked to the door of Zac’s room. “Can I come in?” I asked, knocking. “Umm, just a minute!” I heard Zac stammer. A few seconds later, the door flew open. Zac looked at me, red-faced and hair wild. “Yes Mel?” “Where’s Jawnell?” I inquired, smiling. “Oh, eh, she’s…. gone to the bathroom!” he lied. “Well then. When she returns, please tell her that dinner will be served in a few minutes. And that goes for you too!” I said, replacing a strand of blond hair to its rightful place. His face flushed redder.

Chapter 8

I walked away, trying to keep a straight face. But when I entered the kitchen, I could hold it no longer. “What is it?” Ike asked as I sat down. “Oh nothing…” Taylor looked at me quizzically. “You smile, as though you know something I do not.” I kissed the tip of his nose. “Maybe so.” I left it at that. When I didn’t continue, Mellisa asked, “Are they coming?” “Yea. Just give them a few minutes.” I winked her. Everyone laughed. Just as took a crunching bite of salad, they both walked in together. “Well! It’s about time you two came out of there!” Mom exclaimed. Ike elbowed Zac in the ribs as he took a seat next to him. Jawnell sat across from him, next to me. Mom started serving plates to everyone. When she was finished, she joined us. Zachy sat in the empty chair next to her. “Well guys, dig in!” Everything was delicious. “You’re a fabulous cook Nicole,” Zac commented. She smiled at him. “Why thank you Zac! It’s quite simple actually, but always great!” After dinner, and an hour of idle chatter, we started taking the dishes away. Everyone helped with the cleaning up. When everything was done, Mel and Jawnell called their moms to explain their delay. Both were okay with it, but wanted the girls to come home. “We’ll drive you.” Ike suggested. “There’s enough seatbelts for all of us.” Mom nodded her okay. I kissed her goodbye, promising to be back right away. We walked to the car together. Ike cranked up the roof. “It’s getting chilly.” He explained. Isaac drove, Mel sat in the front with him, while Zac, Jawnell, Taylor and I all squished in the back. “Who shall we drop off first?” Ike asked. “Me!” Mellisa answered. “I’m first on the way, and this kid and I are dead tired!” Ike reached over and caressed her belly. When we pulled into Mellisa’s driveway, all the lights in the house were turned out. “I think you should let me go by myself. My sisters would kill me if I woke them up on their first week of vacation!” Isaac leaned over and kissed her sweetly. “I’ll call you tomorrow!” she promised. She slipped from the car, opened her front door and waved at us. Then she was gone. Ike pulled away and headed towards Jawnell’s. We rode in silence for a few minutes. “Yea, that one!” she pointed out the window at her house. The car’s engine died as Ike turned the key. “Come and meet my parents! They’re still up!” We pilled out and climbed the stairs to her porch. Robyn opened the door before Jawnell even had the chance to reach for it. “Oh my gosh!” she blurted out. Zac stood behind Jawnell timidly. “Well, come on in!” We entered the living room and stood in a line while she eyed us more closely. Finally, Jawnell spoke. “Zac, Tay, Ike, this is Robyn, my mother. Mom, the Hanson brothers.” They shook hand vigorously. “Boy, oh boy! Well thanks for bringing her home Isaac!” he nodded. “What’s all this fuss about?” Cameron Doig asked, climbing the stairs from the basement. Robyn ran to her husband quickly. “Honey,” she whispered. “Hanson’s here.” He looked up at them. “Oh! Well hi guys! Welcome to Portland!” He shook each their hands too. “Well, thanks for the ride Ike, Tay, take care of Mel, and you…” she said, pulling Zac into a hug. “Call me tomorrow.” He kissed her cheek lightly. “It was very nice to meet you!” Zac said to Jawnell’s parents, speaking for the first time. “Very nice to meet you too Zac,” Cam said quietly, his arms folding over his chest. I hugged Jawnell goodbye, and we all walked back to the car. “Okay…Well they’re nice!” Zac said nervously. I smiled. “Of course they are!” Zac sat in the front with Ike, Taylor and I in the back. I leaned against his chest and sighed. His hand found mine and our fingers entwined. The ring I had given him 6 months before grazed my skin lightly. A sharp, but welcome reminder that he loved me. No one spoke during the whole way home. Tay and I could easily know each other’s thoughts without speaking. Isaac, I knew, was already missing Mellisa and Zac, well, he was jut kicking himself for not speaking more to Robyn and Cam. When we walked back into my house, everyone was giggling, and chasing each other around. “Hey guys!” Mom screamed, running by with Zachy in her arms. “Ike, Ike, Ike!” he yelled loudly. Isaac couldn’t help but smile. He removed his shoes quickly and started after my mother and brother. Zachy squealed with delight. “Alright,” Tay said in a matter-of-fact voice. “I’ll give you a head start of 5 seconds. 1, 2…” I laughed, took my shoes off quickly, and followed after Jacob, the middle stepbrother. Alex, who was chased by Jeff, chased Sam, the youngest. Mom and Zachy came around again, followed by Ike. Without any warning, Zac started after his older brother. Tay just waited for me to come around again and caught me by the waist. Everyone, by then, had collapsed on the carpet in the family room. We joined them. “So,” I asked. “Which movie did you guys go see?” “ ‘Meet the Parents’! It kicked!” Jake answered. “Cool,” I answered. “You guys all met each other right?” I asked. They nodded. “Well boys, it’s getting late. If we’re going out on the boat tomorrow, I want you guys in bed, now!” His 3 sons stood. “Alright, goodnight everybody!” Alex said. “Goodnight!” we all answered. “I’ll go put Zachy down too,” Mom said. “Say goodnight baby!” He stood and hugged everyone, but Ike the longest. Mom, Jeff and Zachy all left the room together, saying goodbye until morning. “I believe Zachy is growing very fond of you!” I told Ike. “He’s such a cute little boy!” He replied, smiling. “Well guys, I’ll be on my way.” Zac stood, stretching. He walked over and hugged me. “It’s great to see you Mel!” “You too Zac.” Ike stood too. “Traveling always kills me. Night Mel! Goodnight Tay.” He hugged me and touched Tay’s shoulder. When they were gone, I smiled at Taylor. “Isn’t if great? We’re together! All of us!” He hugged me tightly. “I guess we should go too huh?” he asked. I nodded and stood. I made the rounds, turning off lights, locking doors, and putting the alarm system on. We went upstairs together and stopped in front of Zachy’s and my room. I took both his hands. “Goodnight Taylor. I love you very, very much.” He kissed me. A long, sentimental kiss. “I love you too.” I opened the door, and saw that mom and Jeff had taken Zachy into their bed. I turned to Tay and hugged him a last time. “Sweet dreams,” he whispered before I closed the door. I heard the soft click his door made in the room beside mine. I changed into pj’s quickly and slipped into bed. Sleep came quickly. My last thoughts before I drifted into dreamland, were of him, that I loved so much.

Chapters 9-16
