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Realm of Dreams

The Knighting Rituals

This room is for a squire to Learn the process of becoming a knight and the ceremony involved. Although not all has to be done exactly the process is nevertheless important in the development of a Knights life. 



The Ceremony of Knighthood


The Ceremony of Knighthood consists of 8 Parts

1.   The Vigil   (Praying, fasting, watching the night before the ceremony)

 On the eve of the Knighting it is customary to give the candidate a vigil. 

This is a time for reconciliation, speaking with the wise Knights, Lords and Princes present. 

It is a time for introspection to consider the responsibilities and joys of accepting the accolade (being knighted with the sword). 

The wise Knights, Lords and Princes present may discourse on the meaning, exemplars, symbols, duties, and responsibilities of knighthood and peerage. 

Thereafter shall commence a time of prayer and contemplation, when ancient, wise, and grave gentles come singly and in pairs to instruct the candidate in the ways, honour and history of the orders of peerage and knighthood. 

The candidate shall fast (go without food) on the vigil, he ought to pray unto God, and confess of his difficulties that he has done against God. 

He ought to stay awake all night and say his prayers and ought to hear the word of God and things touching the deeds of chivalry. 

The candidate shall be clad tunic of white next to his skin, that he will hold himself clean, chaste and pure of heart and mind. 

The candidate shall be clad in a cloak of red, that he might understand and consider that he will be required to spill his blood in order to defend his God, his King and his Queen and his people. 

The candidate shall wear shoes and hose of brown and black to so that he will always have in mind death, and the earth to lie in low. From whence he has come, and wither he will go, Lest into pride he fall. And before he be a-dubbed an knight the candidate shall bathe in order that felony be washed away and be fulfilled with courtesy, honesty, and kindness.


2.   The Blessings by the Bishop 

A.  The Bishop’s Blessing of the Kings Sword

Grant, we pray, O Lord, our prayers, and see fit to bless with the hand of  HIS/HER ROYAL MAJESTY, (NAME OF SOVEREIGN) 

This sword with which your servant desires to be girt, to the end that he/she may be a defender of the Church, and this Kingdom, 

Of widows, of orphans, and of all the servants of God, and that he/she may be the terror and dread of his/her enemies, ensuring for him/her the performance of equitable prosecution and just defence. Amen. 

B. The Bishop’s Blessing of the Candidate

 O Lord, Omnipotent Father, Eternal God, who alone establish and lawfully rule the order of all things:

 Who to put down the malice of reprobates and to defend justice have, by your beneficent disposition, permitted men on earth the use of the sword 

And have willed to institute a Chivalric Order for the protection of the people: 

And who said by way of the blessed John to the soldiers who came to him in the desert that they should do violence to no man, but be content with their pay: 

We humbly pray that, just as you granted to your child David, who later became King of Israel, power to vanquish Goliath, 

So grant, this your servant, who comes a new recruit to put his neck under the chivalric yoke, the power and valour to defend the faith and justice, 

Increase him in faith, hope, charity, the fear as well as the love of God, humility, perseverance, obedience and good patience, and direct him lawfully in all things, 

So that he will never injure anyone unjustly with this or any other sword, and so that, just as he is raised from an inferior station to the new honour of knighthood, 

So, putting off the old man with his deeds, he will put on the new man, to fear you and render you just worship, to avoid the society of the wicked, 

To pour out his charity upon his neighbour, to obey the articles of his oath lawfully in all things, and to fulfil his office justly at all times. Through Jesus Christ out Lord. Amen."


3.     Begging the Boon


 Herald, Call for the candidates sponsors, (THE NAMES OF THE SPONSORS) 


 (THE NAMES OF THE SPONSORS) Is your candidate free to take the oath and accept responsibilities of Knighthood ?




The candidate (NAME) is free to take the oath and accept responsibilities of Knighthood


The candidate shall come forward and kneel before their majesties.




(THE NAMES OF THE SPONSORS) Do you vouch for this person to become a Knight and uphold all that that stands for ?




Yea the candidate (NAME) is worthy to become a Knight and uphold all that Knighthood entails.


4.     Charging the Candidate



Right mindful of your prowess on the field, and responsive to the wishes of your peers, we are minded to make you Knight. 

Know that to wear the belt and chain of a knight is to hold a sacred trust; that the obligations of knighthood will demand your efforts every moment of your life. 

A knight of this realm must be respectful of all, never offending the faith of another. 

A knight must respect all those who are weak or defenceless, whether because of age, infirmity, poverty, or vow, and be steadfast in defending them.

 A knight must love his Kingdom and his province, and fulfil most faithfully his duties to his King and Queen. 

His word must be dependable beyond doubt or question. He must never flee from the face of his foes. He must be generous to all.

 And, always and everywhere, he must be the champion of the right and the good.

 The Laws of the Society and the customs of this Kingdom require that you, as a knight be valiant and courteous, as you have shown yourself to be and as these your sponsors attest;

 And that you be loyal to his Kingdom and its Sovereigns and subjects.

 Do you then desire to accept the burden of knighthood and swear fealty to the Crown? 


 Yea, I accept


5.     Swearing Fealty



Then swear fealty and pay homage to the Crown of this Kingdom. 


I here swear fealty and do homage to the Crown and to the Kingdom; to ever be a good knight and true, reverent and generous, 

Shield of the weak, obedient to my liege-lord, foremost in battle, courteous at all times, champion of the right and the good. Thus swear I, (CANDIDATES NAME)


 This to We hear and shall never forget nor fail to reward that which is given fealty with love service with honour and oath.

6.     Bestowing the Tokens of Knighthood


A.  The Sword


 Is there a Sword which you will offer in service to your crown?


 Yes my liege there is, in the safe keeping of your servant (SPONSORS NAME) 


One edge to cuts to the truth one edge to administer their majesties justice and a scabbard to counsel mercy 

B.  The Belt



 Is there a belt?"


Yea, Your Majesty


The knights' white belt symbolises purity, and chastity that a knight must reign in his body steadfastly, avoiding the scandals of the body: 

Gluttony, sloth, and lechery. Purity of purpose and a new beginning or rebirth to begin again the steps one the Path Chivalry.


C.  The Spurs


 Is there Spurs?"


 Yea, Your Majesty


 As knights spurs goad the warhorse so should they goad the knight to Valour, Service, Diligence and Swiftness. 

Let the spurs hasten the knight to his duty that he might maintain his order in the high honour that belongs to it.

 By placing precious golden spurs near his feat a knight displays disdain for worldly things.

They should be worn with honour and discretion lest they be hacked from your heals in shame and disgrace."

 D. The Cloak and Coat of Arms


 Is there a Cloak and Coat of Arms?"


 Yea, Your Majesty


 Shamefastness or Fear of shame. These arms ensure that all might know this knight from afar, and judge him fair or foul, to ensure obedience to the order of knighthood.

 It symbolises the hardships and travail that a knight will suffer foremost in battle and always placing his body between his Kingdom and her foes. 

Just as the surcoat receives any blows, rain, or insult before the armour and body of the knight. 

E.  The Chain


 Is there a Chain?" 


Yea, Your Majesty


The chain is of gold, purest of the metals to signify the purity of the chain of fealty which binds the knight and his sovereigns to one another.

 The chain is heavy to symbolise and remind the knight of the heavy responsibility he bears.

 The chain is strong and runs round the neck of the knight signifying obedience to the commands of his sovereign and the order. 

Pray let your behaviour and deeds charge this our symbol with as great a reverence and respect.



7.     Dubbing the Knight (the Adoubement)

 (NAME OF SOVEREIGN) says, raising his sword:

 In remembrance of oaths given and received.  (Strike the right shoulder)  

In remembrance of your lineage and obligations.  (Strike the left shoulder)  

Be thou a good knight.  (Strike the head)  


 The Sovereign repeats this for each and every candidate



8.   The Colee or Buffet


 We see many Knights gathered before Us, We thank you for honouring us with your presence, and would honour you by borrowing a custom from your homeland. 

We seem to recall that in your lands We would now charge the candidate:

Know, now that you are made a knight, that you must succour the defenceless, seek justice for those of every station,

 And maintain the honour of Knighthood. Let this blow remind you that Knighthood shall bring you pain as well as honour.

 (NAME OF SOVEREIGN) delivers the buffet to the candidate's chest)



King of Dreams


Queen Vi Dreams