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Codes and Ethics

Training Page 1


The idea of chivalry is a combination of truth, honour, valour, courage, courtesy, loyalty, kindness, purity, humility, and compassion. All of these components come together to form the idea of chivalry just as different metals are forged together to create a sword 

The Feudal Knight of the early Norman period, both in England and on the Continent, was a vassal who held land in return for his readiness to accompany his lord onto the battlefield. More often than not his conduct was marked by ferocity and lack of restraint. Something needed to be done to elevate the knight from barbaric savage to nobleman by adding purpose to his profession. Fortunately the solution was close at hand. The church began to promote the marriage of war and religion, and it was as a result of the Christian crusades that chivalry came into bloom.



The code of Chivalry


1, Thou shalt believe all that the Church teaches and shalt obey all her commandments.

2, Thou shalt defend the Church.

3, Thou shalt respect all weaknesses and shall constitute thyself the defender of them.

4, Thou shalt love the country in which thou wast borne.

5, Thou shalt not recoil before thine enemy.

6, Thou shalt make war against the infidel without cessation and without mercy.

7, Thou shalt perform scrupulously thy feudal duties, if they not be contrary to the laws of god.

8, Thou shalt never lie, and shalt remain faithful to thy pledged word.

9, Thou shalt be generous, and give largesse to everyone.

10, Thou shalt be everywhere and always the champion of the right and good against injustice and evil.


Examples of use - Chivalry


Live to serve King and Country.

Live to defend Crown and Country and all it holds dear.

Live one's life so that it is worthy of respect and honour.

Live for freedom, justice and all that is good.

Never attack an unarmed foe.

Never use a weapon on an opponent not equal to the attack.

Never attack from behind.

Avoid lying to your fellow man.

Avoid cheating.

Avoid torture.

Obey the law of king, country, and chivalry.

Administer justice.

Protect the innocent.

Exhibit self control.

Show respect to authority

Respect women.

Exhibit Courage in word and deed.

Defend the weak and innocent.

Destroy evil in all of its monstrous forms.

Crush the monsters that steal our land and rob our people.

Fight with honour.

Avenge the wronged.

Never abandon a friend, ally, or noble cause.

Fight for the ideals of king, country, and chivalry.

Die with valour.

Always keep one's word of honour.

Always maintain one's principles.

Never betray a confidence or comrade.

Avoid deception.

Respect life and freedom.

Die with honour.

Exhibit manners.

Be polite and attentive.

Be respectful of host, women, and honour.

Loyalty to country, King, honour, freedom, and the code of chivalry.

Loyalty to one's friends and those who lay their trust in thee.


Things to consider in 

Becoming a Knight


1.    Choose a name (Sir. . .  (My students got into puns like Sir Loin)

2.    Choose colors

3.    Design a shield

       Must contain symbols depicting:

       Long term goals

       Short range goals

       Accomplishment of which they are proud




1.      Clip lock of hair - - devotion to God

2.      Bath - - symbolic of purity   (I told them to take a shower night before)

3.      Present selves dressed properly

        a) white - cleansed of sin

        b) red - willingness to shed blood in service of GOD AND RULER

        C) black - reminder of death

4.      Fast for 24 hours   (No breakfast - we would have snacks)

5.      Prayer and medicating - - kneel all night   (I skipped this step)

6.      Priest blesses sword on altar  (We used fake swords and I was the priest)

7.      Oath - "Why do you wish to become a knight?"

8       Presented with golden spurs, armor and sword.  (presented with fake stuff)

9.      Dubbed

10.  Mount horse and display bravery, skills before the court.  (Student had

to display some sort of talent for the group)


  Why do you wish to become a Knight

OATH:           1.      To worship thine God

                        2.      To defend the Church

                        3.      To protect the weak and helpless

                        4.      To defend a lady's honour

The Blessing =  In the name of God, St, Michael and St. George, I dub thee Sir (student name) Knight of Realm of Dreams.  Be brave, be courteous, be loyal and be always with honour