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Songs From My Heart Sorry, your browser doesn't support Java(tm).

This page is different from any I have ever done for two reasons. First off it is kind of like a pick the song you want to listen to from the list. Secondly, this is my final page that I will be making. I am retiring from the page making business and for the most part from VP. I have met many people in my years on VP. Some of them I'd just as soon I not have met and some of them I cannot forget no matter how hard I try. One in particular has left footprints in my heart that will always remain. Guess what makes it all so hard is when you cannot even be friends in the end...when that is all you really ever were. All these songs I have picked for this page have special meaning to me for various reasons. I hope you enjoy them as much as I enjoyed picking them out. So sit back and enjoy the music. Some may make you remember things best forgotten and some may break your heart all over again. But they truly are...songs from my heart.

I cannot have you in the flesh
I can only have a part
And some would say that it's not real
Just a fantasy of the heart

Then explain to me the thrill I get
When someone speaks your name
My fantasy is in my reality
And for me it's all the same

Can you tell me why it seems to me
You've reached down deep inside
And touched the places in my soul
I've forever had to hide

And if this is only a fantasy
Something I can't hold or feel
Then why do I taste the saltiness
Of tears that are so real?

You may be far away from me
And not within my sight
But you exist within my spirit
And possess my dreams each night

Yet I have chosen to live like this
And I knew right from the start
That I could only have you in
My fantasy of the heart

Thank you Jackie for allowing me to use your hits

Have no fear
For I will be here
As you travel along your way

If you want to play
Have no fear
For I will be here
If you find time during your day

If you stumble
Along your lifes journey today
Have nor fear
For I will be here
To listen and share
the troubles of your day

If it is a friend
Have no fear
For I will be here
To help your wounded heart mend

It may not have been meant to be
Something so intimate
between you and me
But have no fear
For I will always be
Here, your friend
Loving you to the end

Thank you Ken for allowing me to use your poem....hugggs my friend

Both of the poems above are copyrighted and may not be used without the consent of the author.

I always thought that
loving someone was enough
I truly believed that
if two people cared deeply
nothing could ever
come between them
But we both know this
isn't always true
the obstacles we faced
became overwhelming
I know how hard you tried
we both did
But all the patience
and time in the world
couldn't change
what we faced

It has been said that
if you really love someone
you must be willing
to let them go
As difficult as it was
this was what we chose
But I want you to know that
I don't regret one moment
we shared
Always remember that
wherever life takes us separately
there will be
a special love between us
forever linking our hearts together

~~~Diane Hayes Beers

I thought I had moved on, and left you in the past
Our love was all forgotten, my heart was free at last
But as I dreamed last night, I had to see you there
Telling me you missed me, and how much you still care

It wasn't easy for me when you said we were through
And you said that in time, I'd forget about you
I gave up on the past, and what might have been
But I still think of you every now and then

You said you didn't love me, to find someone new
Someone who could love me, the way you couldn't do
But if it's really over, and you've forgotten me
What are you doing here, in a forgotten memory

There's no regret for you, left in my heart
You haven't even missed me, since we've been apart
You didn't have the heart, to share your love with me
So now you're just a part, of a forgotten memory

~~~Robert B. Kellar Jr.

For twas not into my ear you whispered but into my heart. Twas not my lips you kissed but my soul. Thank you for opening the door to my heart, for making it a bigger, better place. I'm just sorry you couldn't find your home here. Always ~ V


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Page built by Heart January 2001