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U.F.O. and Alien Encounters.

There is more to come but for now…





Physical effects
on humans, animals
or objects


seen on
or near UFOs




Comunication between
humans and UFOs


Summer 1946.

Location: Scandinavia.

Witness: Swedish defence authorities.

Event: 996 UFO’s recorded. A typical sighting was that of a Swedish meteorologist who saw “a torpedo shaped metallic object” flying over Stockholm.

May 1947.

Location: North west United States.

Event: Early in the month there were reports of strange lights in the skies but little attention was paid.

June 24th 1947.

Location: Mount Rainier.

Witness: Kenneth Arnold

Event: a formation of crescent shaped objects which appeared to move like a saucer skipping across water. Mis-reporting of this led to the objects being referred to as “Flying Saucers”.

July 2nd 1947.

Location: Roswell, New Mexico.

Event: Press report the crash landing of a “Flying saucer”.

24th July 1948.

Location: Montgomery, Alabama

Event: A rocket shaped object, spouting flames, shot across the skies above where it was involved in a near miss incident with an Eastern Airlines passenger DC-3.

December 1948.

Location: Los Alamos nuclear test laboratories in New Mexico.

Event: Green fireballs started to appear in the skies.

May 11th 1950.

Location: McMinnville, Oregon.

Witness: Farmer, Paul Trent.

Event: Two photos were taken of a flat based object, approx. 30 ft in diameter with a turret on top, at. These are considered to be the first significant UFO photographs.

July 19th 1952.

Location: Washington D.C.

Witness: Various Radar systems and many citizens on the ground.

Event: a large number of UFO’s above the U.S. capital.

July 26th 1952.

Location: Washington D.C.

Witness: Various Radar systems and many citizens on the ground.

Event: There was a repeat of the incident of July 19th but this time the USAF were sent to intercept the objects. They were unsuccessful.

September 19th –21st 1952.

Location: North Yorkshire and the North Sea.

Event: A NATO exercise over was plagued by UFO’s. The RAF attempted to intercept these objects but was unable to do so.

August 13th 1956.

Location: RAF Lakenheath and Bentwaters.

Witness: The crews of two RAF Venom fighters, a US military transport aircraft and three different Radar stations across East Anglia. The latter part of the encounter was also witnessed by civilians at Ely.

Event: A fuzzy light streaked over Lakenheath and Betwaters and below the US transport aircraft. Two RAF Venom fighters were scrambled and one of these managed to get a radar lock on the object which then moved to his rear at incredible speed. A “dogfight” scenario between the two craft then ensued until the UFO left the area at great speed.

August 30th 1956.

Location: Isle of Wight.

Witness: Two RAF Javelins and ground Radar at Bournemouth.

Event: A routine flight . tracked an unidentified object on Radar and on closing confirmed that the object was a grey egg shaped craft. As one of the Javelins closed in on the object it was reported to have climbed vertically at great speed.

November 3rd 1957.

Location: White Sands nuclear facilities at Alamogordo.

Witness: patrolling military police.

Event: A UFO descended into the dessert sands and landed next to the bunkers used to shield scientists from the worlds first nuclear explosion.

November 1957.

Location: Maralinga, Australia.

Witness: RAF crews.

Event: A hat shaped object appeared immediately above the blast site of a British nuclear test.

January 16th 1958.

Location: Trindade Island.

Witness: Scientists and crew of the Almirante Saldhana, a Brazilian naval vessel including a photographer who took six pictures.

Event: A fuzzy object, described as looking like the planet Saturn was witnessed flying around the island. The sighting coincided with the loss of power on a small electrical winch.

March - April 1959.

Location: Sverdlosvsk (a major space research base) in the USSR.

Event: Strange objects detected on Radar which were observed as bright lights which hovered over the bases launch platforms.

May 24th 1964.

Location: Burgh Marshes, near Carlisle.

Witness: A local fireman.

Event: A photograph of his daughter showed a floating figure of a white suited “spaceman” floating above her head.

June 4th 1965.

Location: Hawaii

Witness: Gemini 4 astronaut James McDivitt

Event: McDivitt reported a beer can like object flying below him.

October 1967.

Location: Britain.

Event: A large wave of UFO activity hit with a wide range of encounters including Police following UFO’s across Devon.

August 1972.

Location: Menwith Hill top secret telecommunications base in the Yorkshire Moors.

Witness: A middle aged couple

Event: Landed UFO with a door which operated similarly to the iris in a camera.

The local police investigated the case and the press were informed although before the couple could be interviewed by the latter they were visited by two men who produced identification proving that they were from the MoD who ordered the journalists to leave. The only thing that these individuals were interested in was the operation of the door.

When the MoD were asked about the incident they denied that they had any connection with the visitors.

31st November 1978.

Location: Between Wellington and Christchurch (New Zealand).

Witness: T.V. Crew and Wellington Radar Station.

Event: The T.V crew, following reports of bright unidentified lights by two aircraft ten days earlier, went up in an Argosy cargo plane and filmed pulsating lights which were flickering in the distance. At the same time a radar picked up unexplained images in the area.

December 27th 1980.

Location: Woodbridge, Suffolk

Witness: A radar station near Norwich. American military personnel. Lt. Col. Halt.

Event: An unidentified object the size of a Boeing 737 was tracked until it disappeared off the screen over Rendlesham Forest.

At 02.00 two guards reported observing a strange light in the trees. They found a clearing where the canopy of trees had been smashed and on the ground below came across a cone shaped object standing on tripod legs. When one of the men approached this object it rose from the ground and moved away from the trees.

Later that night lights were spotted again and four men approached an object shrouded in mist which flew away. The men withdrew and waited for base commander Lt. Col. Halt, together with reinforcements.

Measurements, bark samples and radiation readings were taken at the original landing site and another team observed a mist with lights in it and then Lt. Col. Halt himself observed two lights fly overhead.

February 26th 1983.

Location: Hudson Valley north of New York.

Witness: Monique and Maureen O’Driscoll.

Event: Maureen became aware of some lights on a hill which began to move. The lights passed over the vehicle and hovered over a nearby frozen lake. They described the object as a boomerang shaped made up from hundreds of criss-crossed beams of metal, about 250 feet across with lights that flashed wildly.

Other witnesses were traced that saw the same, or a similar object on the same night.

30th March 1990.

Location: Wevre area (to the south of Brussels).

Witness: Assorted civilians.

Event: Many calls were made to the police stating that there was a huge triangular craft hovering over the countryside with red green and amber lights on each corner. According to some witnesses the craft was said to move at between 40-50kmh.

January 19th 1994.

Location: Near Falkirk, Scotland.

Witness: Jim Rogers and his family.

Event: Rogers was travelling from Larbert to his home, about a mile away, when he noticed a very bright white object low in the night sky which appeared to be following his car. As he approached a junction the interior of his vehicle was flooded with light. He accelerated away and upon reaching his home dashed inside and demanded that his mother, father, brother and wife come outside and look.

His wife, Linda, videoed the object and all the witnesses agreed that it was unlike anything they’d ever seen before and a study of the film revealed a cylindrical shaped object with a light.

1 st January 1997.

Location: Aberavon Beach, South Wales.

Witness: Assorted civilians.

Event: There was a bright light over the water higher than that of the boats out to sea and lower than the stars. It was there for some time and I thought nothing of it, later when I looked it was still there and moving side to side quite quickly I pointed this out to some friends and they all believed it to be quite strange. Several days later a friends father actually took photos of this using a zoom lens, however due to the movement they are a little blurred and difficult to make out.

19th May 2003.

Location: Baku, Azerbaijan.


Event: A white UFO resembling “a drop of milk” was observed in various parts of the city between 5 pm and 7pm local time. According to Professor Khalilov of the Academy of Sciences the object which exceeded 10 m in diameter hung at height of 5 kilometers, and then moved out towards the Caspian Sea.

Physical effects on humans, animals or objects.

October 31st – November 6th 1957.

Location: West USA.

Event: Over 30 encounters reported in the which involved motor vehicles having their motors stalled by UFO’s.

November 2nd 1957.

Location: Levelland, Texas.

Event: 10 cases of cars stalling or lights being turned off by egg shaped UFO’s were reported.

January 16th 1958.

Location: Trindade Island.

Witness: Scientists and crew of the Almirante Saldhana, a Brazilian naval vessel including a photographer who took six pictures.

Event: A fuzzy object, described as looking like the planet Saturn was witnessed flying around the island. The sighting coincided with the loss of power on a small electrical winch.

April 24th 1964.

Location: Socorro, New Mexico.

Witness: Police officer Lonnie Zamora and his chief officer.

Event: Small humanoid figures were seen by the side of a white egg shaped craft which had apparently landed in a gully. As the officer disturbed them the object “blasted off” setting fire to the scrub and leaving heavy imprints in the ground. Zamora’s chief officer witnessed the latter part of the encounter when he arrived as back up.

November 6th 1967.

Location: Sopley, Hampshire.

Event: A car stop incident involved the engine and lights while a diesel powered lorry suffered only light failure while the engine continued to tick over. Both of these vehicles were at a cross roads above which was hovering an egg shaped object.

November 21st 1971.

Location: Delphos, Texas.

Witness: The Johnson family.

Event: Sixteen year old Ron Johnson, was working on his parents farm when he saw a mushroom shaped object about 75ft away hovering just off the ground. It was covered in a blaze of lights and made a noise similar to an old washing machine.

The lights which were already so bright that they hurt his eyes became even brighter as it took off, passing overhead at an angle of 45 degrees. Ron ran to the farmhouse to tell his parents who came out in time to see the object disappearing into the night sky.

Below where the UFO had been hovering a luminous grey-white ring had appeared and there was a faint glow being emitted from some nearby trees. When the Johnson’s touched the discoloured soil Mr. Johnson said it felt cool while his wife reported that it made her fingers numb. Both adults went on to develop a numbness over the next few weeks and Ron developed headaches, eye irritation and nightmares.

The soil was analysed by several laboratories who unfortunately produced contradictory results which were therefore considered inconclusive.

18th October 1973.

Location: Mansfield, Ohio

Witness: Crew of US army Huey (Bell) helicopter.

Event: Cpt. L. Coyne was in command of the crew of four when, just after 23.00 a red light zoomed in on a collision course with the Huey. Thinking it was a jet fighter Coyne attempted to aviod aan incident by putting his craft into a power dive. Inspite of his efforts his altimeter claimed that he had climbed from 160m to 1050m. The object stopped and hovered over the Huey bathing the copter in a strong green light until after a few moments it moved slowly away. When Coyne attemted to call for back up the radio was dead and remained so until 10 mins after the incident.

December 27th 1980.

Location: Woodbridge, Suffolk

Witness: A radar station near Norwich. American military personnel. Lt. Col. Halt.

Event: An unidentified object the size of a Boeing 737 was tracked until it disappeared off the screen over Rendlesham Forest.

At 02.00 two guards reported observing a strange light in the trees. They found a clearing where the canopy of trees had been smashed and on the ground below came across a cone shaped object standing on tripod legs. When one of the men approached this object it rose from the ground and moved away from the trees.

Later that night lights were spotted again and four men approached an object shrouded in mist which flew away. The men withdrew and waited for base commander Lt. Col. Halt, together with reinforcements.

Measurements, bark samples and radiation readings were taken at the original landing site and another team observed a mist with lights in it and then Lt. Col. Halt himself observed two lights fly overhead.

January 8th 1981.

Location: the village of Trans-en-Provence in Southern France.

Witness: Renato Nicolai.

Event: Nicolai was working in his farm yard when he heard a humming or whistling noise and looked up to see a small oval object descending onto the terraced hillside at the back of the farm. As he approached the sound increased and the object took off.

Tests of the site, indicated that some force had impacted the ground, heating it to a temperature between 300o and 600o C. Within the landing area there was found to be high levels of chemicals and zinc and chlorophyll in the plants in the same area had been reduced by up to 50%.

January 19th 1988.

Location: Nullarbor Plains, Australia.

Witness: The Knowles family.

Event: Just after 4PM the Knowles’ became aware of a bright light on the Eastern horizon. It appeared to jerk from side to side before heading straight for them. They described it as an egg in an egg cup, i.e. an ovoid above a swirling column.

It appeared about to hit the car but moved behind it before receding at great speed. It again changed direction and moved toward the car at which point the driver panicked and swerved, accelerating back up the highway.

The UFO then appeared directly over the car buffeting it and producing a high pitched hum. When Faye Knowles reached out of the window to touch the car roof it appeared soft and spongy.

The vehicle was then lifted off the road and as the family tried to speak to each other their voices seemed distorted as if they were breathing helium. When the car hit the road again it suffered a shredded tire and there were found to be four indentations in the roof.

Analysis of white powder found in the vehicle identified traces of chemicals used by NASA on the space shuttle.

14th August 1947.

Location: Santa Villa, Italy.

Witness: An unnamed geologist.

Event: a mysterious object was discovered embedded into a gully. Near to the discovery the geologist came into contact with some humanoid beings about three foot tall, who, mistaking the geologists pick for a weapon fired a beam of light at him from a tubular object.

September 10th 1954.

Location: Quarouble, France.

Event: An oval object landed on a railway track at and strange beings, reported to be less than four feet tall, fired a bean of light which froze witnesses to the spot. There were heavy imprints found on the railway sleepers which were considered to be tangible evidence of the encounter.

October 1957.

Location: Brazil.

Witness: farmer Antonio Villas Boas

Event: Boas’ tractor was stalled by a UFO which landed near by. He tried to flee but was grabbed by some small men who led him to a craft where he was forced to give a sperm sample to a red haired woman of the same diminutive stature. The alien woman indicated that she would now give birth to their child in space.

October 21st 1978.

Location: Bass Strait, Australia.

Witness: Frederich Valentich.

Event: Valentich called Tullermarine Airport at 19.06 from his Cessna to ask if there was any other air traffic in the area. The duty ATC, Steve Robey, checked the flight log and replied that there was not.

Valentich reported that he had just been overflown by an aircraft carrying four bright lights. This object, which he described as cigar shaped coated with shiny metal then proceeded to “buzz” his aircraft. At 19.12 he reported that his engine was rough idling and six seconds later he spoke for the last time, as he began to speak metallic scraping sounds cut in over the airwaves. No traces of the Cessna or it’s pilot were ever found.

November 9th 1979.

Location: Livingston, Scotland.

Witness: Forestry worker Bob Taylor.

Event: A dull grey metallic dome shaped object was sitting on the ground. It was about 20 feet across and sections of it faded in and out of vision so that the trees behind it were visible.

As he attempted to turn and run two objects which resembled sea mines rolled across the ground and caught in his trousers, dragging him to the ground. He passed out at this point and when he regained consciousness the objects had gone. He arrived home with a pounding headache and nausea.

Police were called to the scene where officers discovered ladder like marks and holes which could have been made by sharp spikes. A further inspection of the area by forest workers and ufologists uncovered drag marks, as if someone had been pulled across the ground.

Forensic tests on Bob Taylor’s trousers supported his description of what had happened as they showed that the tears in the thick trouser material had been made by a pointed implement rather than a blade.

September 23rd – 27th 1989.

Location: Voronezh, Russia

Witness: Mainly schoolchildren.

Event: Six landings and one hovering event were reported in the Industrial town, one of which was described by Vasya Suren. He and his friends became aware of a pink haze which they described as being like a “bonfire in a fog” above a nearby factory. As they watched a red sphere suddenly emerged, flew towards a tree and rested precariously on it’s top branches. A door opened and a tall being with three eyes emerged, followed by a second who paralysed a young man at a nearby bus stop. The individual at the bus stop remained in this state until the figures returned to the craft and it flew off.

All of the encounters in the area involved silver suited beings of a similar description to that given by Suren, rather than the small greys typical of the American sightings.

March 1957.

Location: Birmingham

Witness: Housewife

Event: She claimed that an alien figure visited her in a flash of light which scorched some newspapers. These visits continued for over a year and in September 1958 she was told by her visitor that she was going to have a cosmic child. Precise details of the baby’s sex, weight and date of birth were given, all of which proved to be correct when the child was born in May 1959.

Entities seen on or near UFOs.

June 26th - 27th 1959.

Location: Boianai, Papua New Guinea.

Witness: native youths, a clinical nurse and the priest who ran the local mission, Rev. William Gill.

Event: Sightings were made on both nights of an object hovering above the mission. On the flat base of this object stood several humanoids who waved to the audience below. When later interviewed by ufologists Rev. Gill stated that they had greeted their visitors as they thought it was a new American aircraft.

April 24th 1964.

Location: Socorro, New Mexico.

Witness: Police officer Lonnie Zamora and his chief officer.

Event: Small humanoid figures were seen by the side of a white egg shaped craft which had apparently landed in a gully. As the officer disturbed them the object “blasted off” setting fire to the scrub and leaving heavy imprints in the ground. Zamora’s chief officer witnessed the latter part of the encounter when he arrived as back up.

14th August 1947.

Location: Santa Villa, Italy.

Witness: An unnamed geologist.

Event: a mysterious object was discovered embedded into a gully. Near to the discovery the geologist came into contact with some humanoid beings about three foot tall, who, mistaking the geologists pick for a weapon fired a beam of light at him from a tubular object.

September 10th 1954.

Location: Quarouble, France.

Event: An oval object landed on a railway track at and strange beings, reported to be less than four feet tall, fired a bean of light which froze witnesses to the spot. There were heavy imprints found on the railway sleepers which were considered to be tangible evidence of the encounter.

October 1957.

Location: Brazil.

Witness: farmer Antonio Villas Boas

Event: Boas’ tractor was stalled by a UFO which landed near by. He tried to flee but was grabbed by some small men who led him to a craft where he was forced to give a sperm sample to a red haired woman of the same diminutive stature. The alien woman indicated that she would now give birth to their child in space.

September 16th 1961.

Location: White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Witness: Betty and Barney Hill.

Event: As they were driving they observed a light and stopped to view it with binoculars. It was crescent or banana shaped with several “men” visible through the windows of the craft. The Hill’s then found themselves further down the road without recalling how they got there and on reaching home they noticed that the journey seemed to have taken longer than it should have done.

Reports from the air base that covered the area suggested that there was an anomalous target on Radar at the same time.

It was later reported that the Hills had recalled, under hypnosis, that they had been kidnapped by small humanoid creatures which had medically examined both of them and, as well as taking body samples had also but a needle into Betty’s abdomen in order to perform what they said was a pregnancy test.

July 1st 1965.

Location: Valensole, France.

Witness: Local farmer

Event: The farmer disturbed some “boys” taking lavender from his field. These turned out to be typical small humanoids who were standing by an egg shaped craft. When shown a picture drawn by Zamora the farmer asked who else had seen “his” UFO. It is reported that there is evidence that the farmer was abducted but he preferred not to discuss any further details.

November 5th 1975.

Location: Sitgreaves National Park, Arizona.

Witness: Travis Walton and his six workmates.

Event: Walton was part of a seven man team who had been returning from work in the woods when they came across a blue diamond shaped object hovering over the clearing. Walton left the vehicle and approached the object when he was thrown to the ground having been struck by a beam of light emitted from it.

After fleeing the scene Mike Rogers, the foreman and driver, decided to go back to help their fallen colleague but on returning to the scene found no sign of the UFO or Walton.

Walton turned up five days later with no recollection of the ordeal although a combination of hypnosis and spontaneous recall he described being taken to a giant hanger full of UFO’s where he underwent a physical examination by strange looking beings. He was given two lie detector tests to attempt to verify the truth of his story, one of these he failed and the other he passed.

September 23rd – 27th 1989.

Location: Voronezh, Russia

Witness: Mainly schoolchildren.

Event: Six landings and one hovering event were reported in the Industrial town, one of which was described by Vasya Suren. He and his friends became aware of a pink haze which they described as being like a “bonfire in a fog” above a nearby factory. As they watched a red sphere suddenly emerged, flew towards a tree and rested precariously on it’s top branches. A door opened and a tall being with three eyes emerged, followed by a second who paralysed a young man at a nearby bus stop. The individual at the bus stop remained in this state until the figures returned to the craft and it flew off.

All of the encounters in the area involved silver suited beings of a similar description to that given by Suren, rather than the small greys typical of the American sightings.

August 7th 1965.

Location: San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuela.

Witness: A top gynaecologist and two businessmen.

Event: An oval object appeared and two blonde figures appeared hovering in a beam of light. They explained that they were friendly and exploring the possibilities of human and aliens interbreeding to form a better species. They also warned that there was a race of smaller, more aggressive beings visiting the earth who were less interested in human welfare and regarded humans as mere laboratory experiments.


October 1957.

Location: Brazil.

Witness: farmer Antonio Villas Boas

Event: Boas’ tractor was stalled by a UFO which landed near by. He tried to flee but was grabbed by some small men who led him to a craft where he was forced to give a sperm sample to a red haired woman of the same diminutive stature. The alien woman indicated that she would now give birth to their child in space.

September 16th 1961.

Location: White Mountains of New Hampshire.

Witness: Betty and Barney Hill.

Event: As they were driving they observed a light and stopped to view it with binoculars. It was crescent or banana shaped with several “men” visible through the windows of the craft. The Hill’s then found themselves further down the road without recalling how they got there and on reaching home they noticed that the journey seemed to have taken longer than it should have done.

Reports from the air base that covered the area suggested that there was an anomalous target on Radar at the same time.

It was later reported that the Hills had recalled, under hypnosis, that they had been kidnapped by small humanoid creatures which had medically examined both of them and, as well as taking body samples had also but a needle into Betty’s abdomen in order to perform what they said was a pregnancy test.

July 1st 1965.

Location: Valensole, France.

Witness: Local farmer

Event: The farmer disturbed some “boys” taking lavender from his field. These turned out to be typical small humanoids who were standing by an egg shaped craft. When shown a picture drawn by Zamora the farmer asked who else had seen “his” UFO. It is reported that there is evidence that the farmer was abducted but he preferred not to discuss any further details.

December 1967.

Location: Ashland, Nebraska.

Witness: Police patrolman Herb Schirmer.

Event: The patrolman was abducted by aliens.

November 5th 1975.

Location: Sitgreaves National Park, Arizona.

Witness: Travis Walton and his six workmates.

Event: Walton was part of a seven man team who had been returning from work in the woods when they came across a blue diamond shaped object hovering over the clearing. Walton left the vehicle and approached the object when he was thrown to the ground having been struck by a beam of light emitted from it.

After fleeing the scene Mike Rogers, the foreman and driver, decided to go back to help their fallen colleague but on returning to the scene found no sign of the UFO or Walton.

Walton turned up five days later with no recollection of the ordeal although a combination of hypnosis and spontaneous recall he described being taken to a giant hanger full of UFO’s where he underwent a physical examination by strange looking beings. He was given two lie detector tests to attempt to verify the truth of his story, one of these he failed and the other he passed.

November 9th 1979.

Location: Livingston, Scotland.

Witness: Forestry worker Bob Taylor.

Event: A dull grey metallic dome shaped object was sitting on the ground. It was about 20 feet across and sections of it faded in and out of vision so that the trees behind it were visible.

As he attempted to turn and run two objects which resembled sea mines rolled across the ground and caught in his trousers, dragging him to the ground. He passed out at this point and when he regained consciousness the objects had gone. He arrived home with a pounding headache and nausea.

Police were called to the scene where officers discovered ladder like marks and holes which could have been made by sharp spikes. A further inspection of the area by forest workers and ufologists uncovered drag marks, as if someone had been pulled across the ground.

Forensic tests on Bob Taylor’s trousers supported his description of what had happened as they showed that the tears in the thick trouser material had been made by a pointed implement rather than a blade.

December 26th 1985.

Location: Woods in upstate New York.

Witness: Horror writer Whitely Strieber.

Event: Strieber was staying at his holiday cabin in with his wife and son when he was woken during the night by a noise and the presence of a small being in his room. He blacked out and on regaining consciousness found himself in a room with several beings who conducted a series of tests which involved the insertion of needles and other implements into his brain and anus.

Hypnosis and spontaneous recall uncovered more abduction experiences dating back to his childhood and friends and relatives testified that incidents had occurred in his past where he had gone missing with no memory of where he had been.

Communication between humans and aliens and /or UFOs.

October 1957.

Location: Brazil.

Witness: farmer Antonio Villas Boas

Event: Boas’ tractor was stalled by a UFO which landed near by. He tried to flee but was grabbed by some small men who led him to a craft where he was forced to give a sperm sample to a red haired woman of the same diminutive stature. The alien woman indicated that she would now give birth to their child in space.

November 1957.

Location: Scarborough, Yorks.

Event: Late in the month a UFO was reported to have crashed and at the site a copper plate was found inscribed with a simple picture language. This was decoded at Manchester University who stated that it explained that the aliens were worried about mankind’s attempts to get into space and our inability to control nuclear explosions.

March 1957.

Location: Birmingham

Witness: Housewife

Event: She claimed that an alien figure visited her in a flash of light which scorched some newspapers. These visits continued for over a year and in September 1958 she was told by her visitor that she was going to have a cosmic child. Precise details of the baby’s sex, weight and date of birth were given, all of which proved to be correct when the child was born in May 1959.

August 7th 1965.

Location: San Pedro de los Altos, Venezuela.

Witness: A top gynaecologist and two businessmen.

Event: An oval object appeared and two blonde figures appeared hovering in a beam of light. They explained that they were friendly and exploring the possibilities of human and aliens interbreeding to form a better species. They also warned that there was a race of smaller, more aggressive beings visiting the earth who were less interested in human welfare and regarded humans as mere laboratory experiments.

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