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nessy's place

a guide,  a warning, the STORY

get intimate
 simply where the heart is
have the time?
wanderer's path
 not just your ordinary "around the corner" thing; definitely not a turnpike
know me
bystander's lane
Visitor Number
a little more than just my asl
gratitude, pain-killers

 gotta sign!    updates?    in case you're lost and just want to find the way around the place

Be Still

Be still, oh lonely and fragile heart!
Save those beats of yours!
For heartbreakers will come and stop thy beating!
Stop now while there is time, and turn thy back 
on those poets, who'll make you believe
what their tongues permit.
Stop now while you enjoy the contentment
the stars, the sunset, the breeze give you.
So you'll die knowing only the goodness
 these sincere creation can give you,
yet forever untaste the bitter and sweet fruits of love.

---thePaintedLady, 41501

To my future lover

I long for a lover's touch,
of which are nothing
but sincere, soft, and gentle caresses of his love.
deep and emotional, I become still.
full of love, only my man can give.
I may mistake falsity for truth and honesty,
for I easily melt and get blown off by the winds of romance,
like melted ice, turned into vapors, and swept unwillingly.
I may get blinded by these soft and gentle touches...
and might fall for which I'd call
love, and honesty, and foreverness.
Though he'd take advantage of this weakness of mine,
I'd weep not than decide to become forever a stone
and not feel those soft and gentle,
 though untrue caresses,
 my so-called lover could give.
And if so you decide, to be my future lover, 
have pity on this fragile me
and give only those sincere, soft, and gentle caresses
I so long to feel...

--thePaintedLady, 41501

cartoons, quotes, lovetest, mind bogglers??? visit diversions at phase 2

Last modified: April 15, 2001
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© 2000. Vanessa Lourdes T. Salvador. All rights reserved.