Tina Wall

Sand Springs, Oklahoma


Hey, my name is Tina Wall, and I decided to try to make a webpage because, well, because everybody else was doing it, so why can't I? But maybe that's just my poser side showing. Well, if you must know about me, I'm almost17, the biggest dork in the world, quite and this is my first actual year at Charles Page (I'm a Junior), and I love it very very much. CHUCKIE P RULES!!! I am also very, very, VERY much in love with JESUS!!! If you've been to my page before, then you'll notice that a lot of stuff has changed, that's because I want my page to be more of a witness to other people. I've started putting testimonies on here, staring with mine, because God has done AWESOME things in my life, and He's doing AWESOME things in the lives of others. I need to get some more up here, but, I've got nothing so far. I've also put a brief(haha) summary of what happened on my mission trip to Mexico on here. Please sign my guestbook, and feel free to e-mail me qeustions, comments, suggestions, testimonies, links, or whatever, and I'll try to put them up here. I've also put up one of those annoying e-mail surveys about yourself, since I'm sure ya'll are wondering about the person I am.

Life is poetry, and we write the words.
This music is the glue of the world. It holds it all together.
Once upon a time there was a duck...wait, have you heard this one?
There was this one time I went out of the country, see...
From here to there, and there to here, funny things are everywhere.
Here's the story of a lovely lady...