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The Raven

I am Raven
I am in you
I am part of you
I am around you
I have hid you in my shadow
I have lifted you on my wings
In my feathers, your spirit found refuge
Above the fray I carried you
As your spirit animal, I guide you
I impart my gifts to you:
Strength to endure
Wisdom to choose life
Courage to survive
You hear my song in the sky even today
You wonder why your heart understands
It is because I have spoken to you before
In the night long ago
My shrill cry drew you from that dark place
I became joined to you in that moment
We are bonded in spirit
That is why I have always come to you
That is why even now you understand my voice
A symbol of death I am to many
In some legends, I am said to be "creator"
For you, I am life
It is my nature to survive
So it is also yours
We are kindred souls
I am still with you
Look for me
Listen to me
I am the echo of your heart
I give your spirit vision
You heard me today
Accept me...Embrace me
I am Raven ~copyright Skye D. 1/2000
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