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Basic Facts About Ravens

Ravens are 20-25 inches in length, with a wingspan of about four feet. Their plummage is entirely black, with green and purple iridescence. Both sexes are colored alike with males generally larger than females.
Ravens eat rodents, grain, fruit, insects, bird eggs and carrion. They consume much carrion, especially in winter.
A raven is very alert and possesses sharp eyesight and hearing. Ravens are considered among the most intelligent of all birds and can learn to imitate a variety of sounds, including the human voice.
Ravens are wonderful fliers. Their courtship display flight is awesome! Nests are usually built on cliffs or near the top of trees in isolated areas. Nests are often used and "added on" to each year and have an outside diameter of 2-4 feet. The inside of the nest is lined with deer hair, moss, shredded bark and grass.
The female usually lays 3-6 eggs. Incubation lasts about three weeks. The young ravens leave the nest about one month after hatching.
Ravens may live as long as 35 years in the wild.

Links to Raven Sites

The Raven's Keep

American Society of Crows & Ravens

Yelth-The Raven

Raven's Roost

Corvus Corax:The Raven

RaptorWorks Awesome Raven T-shirt and Photo!
