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Unrelated Links

All links that don't belong elsewhere, and some that do!

My sites

Nutbar Corner My main page right now. Houses my parody fanfic "Shinji:tQfP" and Nutbar Corner, my webcomic!.
The House of the James My old homepage. I'll update it more soon, but right now I'm focusing on Nutbar Corner.

Ivy's Garden The first step into my shrine to Isabella Valintine


The Anime Turnpike The anipike is where you can find it all!

The CG Shrines Rule! Visit, but don't look at any hentai unless you're 18 or older! That means YOU, little boy!


The Magic Box This is were I go for my videogame news these days. I still check here from time to time, for bits of game news.

Bungie I love Halo. I want to know more about Halo 2. Add those together, and I visit the Bungie site EVERY DAY!!!

KOF Online
THE KOF site, my friend. Go there, NOW!

Soul Calibur

A great Soul Caliber page. Has more SC stuff then you can shake a Kali-yuga at!

The official page of SoulCaliber rocks, too! It's there, so I won't waste your time with Ivy's height and weight (but if I find her measurements, I WILL post them!)

The Taki Shrine! This place was so great looking, it FORCED me to update here!

Critical Calibur

Soul Calibur Network
Very nice plce with lots of stuff, but the reason I go is the forum! I love the thought of chatting with other caliburites! Blame my buddy for that name...

Soul Calibur Visual
Great site, filled with movies of the lady Ivy's moves! Sweet, sweeeet dominance....

KOF Online
Man, KOF still rocks, and this site has tons of info on past, present and upcoming King of Fighters games.

Role Playing

Wizards of the Coast I love D&D, even though I haven't played much in the last 2 years.

Guardians of Order Makers of lots of anime RPGs.



Get a guest book like mine! Really useful if you have a web page to put it on :)

Amanda's WorldA fun page Amanda runs :)

The Weapon's Rack

You stop to examine the weapon rack nearby. A wide selection of weapons fill it, with a majority of them being lightweight. The most dominante weapons seem to be short swords, chains, and whips. A sudden stray thought makes you blush...

The servant stands behind you as you examine one of the swords. The blade appears to be segmented, and what looks like a trigger is worked into the hilt...

"Lady Isabella created that one, it was one of her first attempts."

As He speaks you pull the trigger on the hilt, and the segments of the blade seperate, tumbling to the floor! After the initial surprise wears off, you notice that each segment is attached to the last by a fine chain forming a bladed whip! Amazing! Gathering it as best you can back onto the rack, you take another from segmented sword, this one without a trigger. With a flick of your whist, the blade segments as the other did. It would flow smoother in a fight, and thus suprise the enemy easier. Unfortunatly it would also run a chance of collapsing mid-fight, leaving one open...

"These are all all of her 'prototypes.' The only one to unlink and reform she took with her."

You can't help but show suprise at this comment, so much so that the servant is taken aback by your reaction. Such a weapon could not be made by any method you know of. To create a sword of such capablities would take a genius. Or something beyond science...

The servent quickly recollects himself. Either he is too simple to realize the achievement a blade of that type would be, or he had hoped you where. You wonder what his polite smile hides.

"Um, allow me to show you the rest of the manor, it's all quite breathtaking"

What do you do?