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Torah and Grace

By now, you should be able to see that a great error has been made in the teaching of law and grace. Now we will begin to lay a firm foundation on which to build our walk.

You'll notice that I entitled this segment of our study ; "Torah and Grace " , instead of law and grace. There is a definate reason why I have made this change.

If we are ever to have a correct attitude and view of this subject , we must begin to have a right persepctive on what Torah is. When the word law is used, the "church" mind registers something negative. "Law" is the strict regulations, prescribed by a compassionless God. Do this or else!!!!!

However, to the Hebrew mind it is entirley differant. Remember in our earlier segment of this teaching, I gave the definition for Torah. It is teaching, instruction and guidance from God. For the Hebrew, Torah is a gift. God, because of His great love for us, took the time to reveal His Word, His teaching and instruction. This is why the psalmist says,

"Open my eyes, so that I will see, wonders from your Torah". Ps 119:18

We must begin to see Torah with the same eyes. Therefore, from this point on in our study, I will use "Torah" exclusively.

Now lets return to a passage of scripture that we looked at in part 2. There are forms of speech that the Lord uses that are Jewish and because of our non-Jewish mindset we do not fully understand the text. So let's take a look at the passage with a Jewish understanding.

"Think NOT that I am come to abolish the Torah , or the prophets: I am NOT come to abolish but to fulfil. For verily I say unto you, TIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS, one yud or a coatz will pass from the Torah, till all be fulfilled". Matt 5:17-18

The terms "abolish" and "fullfill", are rabbinical. Another words , these were commonly used in the 1st century by rabbi's. To understand this passage and what Yeshua is really saying we must examine it from the proper context. To abolish, meant to undermine scripture by inaccurate interpretation. Thereby, misleading people in their walk. To fulfill, meant exactly the opposite. When a rabbi, spoke about fulfilling scripture, he meant that he was accurately interpreting or teaching the Word. Thus Yeshua is saying that He is not undermining the Torah through inaccurate teaching. His teaching is correctly interpreting the Torah and allowing people to walk rightly.

Now let's look at the phrase, "not one jot or tittle" , which would actually be translated "yod or coatz". In the Hebrew aleph - bet, there are 22 letters. The smallest letter is the "yod" and the decrotive crown scribes would place on top of it was the "coatz". With this clarified, go back and notice the importance the Lord places on the Torah. He tells us that not even the smallest letter or even it's decoration will pass until all is completed.

The Hebrew root of Torah is the word "yarah". This means to cast something straight, to hit the mark. The Torah teaches us how to walk straight and hit the mark. Torah is not discarded in the New Covenant. It is simply given "new location". Watch closely.

Did you know that it was Jeremiah that hearlded the "new Covenant"? Turn to Jer 31:32.

"For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Adonai, I will put my Torah within them and write it on their hearts;" CJB

We see this again in Hebrews 10:16.

"This is the covenant which I will make with them after those days, says Adonai (Lord): I will put my Torah on their hearts, and write them on their minds".

The "new Covenant" in Hebrew is "B'rit Hadashah". Acurately translated it is the "Refreshed Covenant". Another words, it is not NEW in the sense of having not existed before, but rather it is the previous covenant REFRESHED. What is this refreshing? What is the differance between the previous? It is this : NOW HIS TEACHING AND GUIDANCE IS ON OUR HEARTS INSTEAD OF STONE!

In John's gospel the first chapter we are told that God and His Word are one. Throughout Yeshua's ministry He tells us that He does always what pleases the Father. His doctrine is not His but the Fathers. He does only what He sees the Father do.

If indeed the Word and God are one and Yeshua is the same yesterday, today and forever, then the current teaching in the "church" concerning Torah is a perversion. How can Father and Son be one, if Son has thrown away everything Father established? You know the answer it's obvious. The Son has not thrown away anything, the "church" has. We had better not make the mistake of going along with it.

But more than simply not go along woth the churches error, we must embrace the same attitude that our Savior has. That attitude is this : Torah reveals what pleases my Father and sense my greatest joy is to please Him, I desire to walk in Torah. Notice , it is not : I will do this and this in order to obatain His love. Instead it is : I already have His love so I want to do this. There is a HUGE differance between WANT TO and HAVE TO. Ask any teenager and they will quickly spell it out for you. The covenant refreshed , is God's instruction inscribed on the hearts of children who WANT TO.