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Lineage, Language & Life

All right, with our "church" glasses off, let's begin.

Yeshua was a Jew! Did that startle you a bit? Perhaps not, but to many that statement is inflammatory. The "church" has for the past 1900 years painted a picture of a non-Jewish Savior. A slight acknowledgment of His Jewish background may be given from time to time, but through doctrine, practice and portrait,it is eliminated.

Despite this, Yeshua remains Hebrew. His life and teaching reflect His heritage. Make no mistake about this, we MUST see Him as a Jew in first century Judaism if we are to truly know Him.

LINEAGE Family trees are quite interesting. A study of your own will reveal the roots from which you came. This is true of Yeshua's as well. From the gospels Matthew, Mark & Luke, we can trace Yeshua's roots through His family tree. There listed for us are His ancestors.

"This is the genealogy of Yehsua the Messiah, son of David, son of Avraham:" Matt 1:1

Read through this impressive list and you will find from Avraham to Yosef and Miriam, and everyone in between, a Jewish heritage. There is no "if, ands, or buts" about it.

Now let's take a look at Yeshua's language. Historical evidence has confirmed that the language spoken by Jews, in Israel during the first century was Hebrew. Furthermore, scholars have concluded that underneath the Greek text of the New Testament is Hebrew. What does that mean? Simply this, the thought processes and culture of the writers is Hebrew. Is this significant? It certainly does. Turn to Matthew 6.

"The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light". Matt 6:22

Here is what I have heard taught from this. If we are "focused" we will walk in the light and not be distracted by the deception of the enemy. Well, although that has merit, IT IS NOT what Yeshua is saying here. Take a look at this same verse CORRECTLY rendered from the Hebrew.

"The eye is the lamp of the body, so if you have a ayin tovah (good eye, meaning generous nature) than your whole body will be full of light". Matt 6:22

You see the "ayin tovah" is a Jewish idiom (saying) which means to be generous. With this in mind go back and read from verse 19-33. Makes a lot of sense now, doesn't it. The Hebrew language is a very idiomatic language. To properly understand the L-rd's teaching, you MUST understand the "sayings" that were commonly understood and used in the first century by the Jews. If not you will have teachings that alter or even omit the true intention of the Teacher.

We have seen Yeshua's Jewish lineage. We must concede to His Jewish tongue. What about the way He lived? Did He live as a faithful Jew or did He embrace the culture of Rome?

Turn with me to Luke the second chapter. I will be using the Complete Jewish Bible translated by David Stern. However, your King James will do nicely.

"On the eight day, when it was time for His br'it - milah (circumcision), He was given the name Yeshua,". Luke 2:21

This was a fulfillment of the commandment concerning circumcision. Something every Jewish boy would have done.

"When the time came for their purification according to the Torah of Moshe, they took Him up to Yerushalayim to present Him to Adonai (as it is written in the Torah of Adonai, every firstborn male is to be consecrated to Adonai) and also to offer a sacrifice of a pair of doves or two pigeons, as required by the Torah of Adonai". Luke 2:22-24

Here Yosef and Miriam are observing the commandments concerning redemption of the firstborn and the purification requirements for a woman who has given birth to a son. Again, the actions of faithful Jewish followers of Elohim.

"Every year Yeshua's parents went to Yerushalayim for the festival of Pesach". Luke 2:41

We see here that it was the lifestyle of His parents to keep the feasts of the L-rd. In fact , we can conclude from their practice to go to Jerusalem "every year" that they were very devout. From these verses it is obvious that Yeshua's upbringing was as a Torah observant Jew. Does this change when He reaches the age of manhood? Not at all.

Read Luke 22. Here we see our Jewish Messiah celebrating Pesach / Passover with His disciples. Now look at Luke 4:16. Here we are told that keeping Shabbat / sabbath was His custom. Watch the L-rd as He prays when about to eat. He blesses G-d, like a Jew, not the food, like a gentile.

If this is not enough testimony, go through each of the gospels. Note the many times He is recognized as a rabbi. This again is confirmation of His Jewish lifestyle.

Go back and study , without the "church" goggles. See the Jewishness of the L-rd. It is not hidden or obscure. In fact , it is very obvious. We have simply not seen it, because we have been trained not to see it.

Does this make a differance? Oh, what a differance it does make. As you study with a correct perspective, you will begin to see the WHOLENESS of the scriptures. You will see the Father in the Son and the Son in the Father. I promise you, it will make a tremendous impact on your thinking and your walk.