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The Chastening of the Lord

"For the time is come that judgment MUST begin at the house of God:" I Peter 4:17

As I sit to write this , it is with a heavy heart. The scope of this subject is tremendous and I can only pray that I will do it justice. With the dawning of the new millenium there will be dark days ahead. It should be evident to every believer that the 70th week of Daniel is approaching. I won't presume to say it will start with this date or that date. I simply do not know. However, the pieces of the prophetic puzzle are coming together rapidly. World events are shaping up to move us into that final hour. Now , more than ever, we must watch and pray.

With the sound of the horsemens hoofbeats, there is another sound. This one is differant. It is the voice of the Spirit calling to God's children. Now is the time when the works of darkness must be discarded. It is time to repent and cleave unto the Lord. Before judgment comes upon this world, and it will come, God's household is going to go through some "remodeling".


The church right now is the result of mingled seed. God's Word and the doctrines of men, blended together to create a "faith" that is desired by the masses. Side by side wheat and tares come together. Within the congregation are sincere people who desire to know and love the Lord. They have an ear to hear, but their hearing has become dull. They need to wake up from the religious slumber that has decieved them. Yet, within those same walls are the "game players". They enjoy the "feeling" of being right but have no real desire to be bond servants. They are there for gain, whether it be financial, emotional or religious. The institution is what they serve for the institution serves them. It clears their conscience and provides their social life. Their goal is not to lose their lives to Messiah, but to be "blessed" by Messiah. In the days ahead, both of these groups of people will face the greatest challenge of their lives. That challenge will be to REPENT.


"For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He recieveth". Heb 12:6

The time is come for the chastening of the Lord. I don't know how He will bring it, what shape it will take but I know it is on the horizon. Now, let me say something that goes against a popular misconception in today's church. Our Father will chasten His children. If they must be humbled, He will humble them. Sometimes it's hard and painful. But whatever it takes to wake you up, God will allow it.

I know that rubs the wrong way for those folks who have been told that He will only bless you and if anything unpleasant happens in your life, look for the enemy. Sorry, you've been deceived furthermore, you wanted to be deceived. Just like when you were a kid, you have desired to avoid daddy's discipline. You want his love , but not his belt. Only an ADULT has the wisdom to see that in his belt is his love. So it is true spiritually. We have had immature church leaders telling us that our Daddy has thrown away the belt. Well, dear friends, I assure you, He hasn't.

The church is a rebellious child. In His love and longsuffering, God has mercifully held out His arms and called out to us to come to Him. But the church has NOT HEARKENED. They have ignored His Word to follow after preachers that tickle them. They have shut their eyes to His commandments in order to feed their lazy flesh. They have replaced Him with their own "doesn't cramp my style" version of walking by faith. Before the judgement of this institution comes, His chastening will be upon us.


The church is given over to idolatry. If you doubt this, visit one or turn on your t.v. Sunday morning. Take a close look. Get past the 'amens" and the well worn highlighted Bibles, listen to the message from the pulpit, stick around in the parking lot after the service has ended and you will see the idols. Those calling themselves the people of God are consumed, but it is not with God. They are consumed with the WORLD.

"Love not the world, neither the things that are inthe world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the LUST OF THE FLESH,and the LUST OF THE EYES, and teh PRIDE OF LIFE is not of the Father, but is of the world". I John 2:15-16

I attended a church for many years that preached strongly against being like the world. From the pulpit it was hammered home that you should not watch the same movies or listen to the same music as the world. Don't hang out where the world hangs out, don't dress like the wolrd dresses. What companionship does light have with darkness.

Now there is truth in all of that, but it is really just cosmetics. You could take two women, one dressed cheaply, revealing the body, makeup done garishly. The other is neatly made up, finely dressed. Yet in the heart they are both prostitutes. Just because the church "appears" differant doesn't mean they are. Take away the cosemetics, what's really there? Lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, pride of life.


It occured to me that the very messages preached are leading the people deeper into the love of money. Think about it. I can not recall how many times I heard;

"believe for a better job", "believe for a better car", "believe for a better house", "doesn't God's children deserve the best", "why should the world have the finest clothing, we are the King's kids, it should be ours".

The lust for things is fed and fed and fed. As the people are taught to "walk by faith" in order to increase, this produces two things. First, possessions are seen as a testimony of spiritual maturity. Second, it creates guilt and condemnation in those that never seem to arrive. Jealousy and envy grows among the brethren, as well as a false presentation of one self. No one wants to admit they don't have. My goodness , that would be admission of not living by faith. I have known people to buy what they could not afford, in order to maintain the appearance. Of course they'll say they are "stepping out in faith".

"Not that I speak in respect of want: for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content". Phil 4:11

The church is not content. They want the same wealth the world wants. And don't be fooled by these crying preachers who want you to believe that they need the money to minister the gospel. If they are so concerned with the preaching of the gospel why don't they cash in their diamonds, tailored suits, rolex watches and BMW's? Why don't they live in a $50,000.00 home instead of a $150,000.00 one? Why don't they get a refund on those paintings and steeples and let meeting place of the children of God be adorned with the beauty of holiness? All the money they would save could be used to PREACH THE GOSPEL.

And don't be fooled by your own false humility. get real with yourself. Why do you want the "best" things? Your desire for finer, clothes and expensive cars and bigger houses has NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING GOD'S KID. You lust after it for your own comfort and so others can see that you have it. No, no that's not true. Then are you CONTENT?

I do not care who is preaching this "feel good, God's gonna roll me in goods" message. The bottom line is that our Father is NOT interested in our possessions or comfort. He's interested in our character. It isn't God that is fixated on the stuff ... it's those calling themselves His children. God wants our heart. For too long, money has had it. get ready for a chastening that touches our stuff.


I really debated whether or not to put this one first. I really believe for many that it is the first idol. We have become so enamoured with the ministry that no matter what is said or done by the people in position, we receive it and embrace it. The pulpit is the hollywood of the church. The pastors and teachers are our royalty and we will do anything to get close to them, honor them and be accepted by them.

This is seen clearly on Sunday mornings when the man in front can turn any bit of razzle dazzle into "thus saith the Lord". The charismatic performance has replaced the sound teaching of scripture. We want to be "entertained" not "transformed". We want to be "captivated" not "set free". He can randomly and out of context, select scriptures to preach his message. It doesn't matter if he contradicts the Word. No one is going to study enough to challenge him.

We are a generatiion that does not want to hear what God has to say. We want the smooth things that make us feel good. And the ones who gives us that, are the ones we will hearken to. He's their "star". And just like the world, if their star falls, they will dismiss him. Healing a fallen brother is not on the agenda of the church. They will simply look for a new love interest.

Get ready children, God is a jealous God. He did not call us to follow men. He told us to follow their faith AS THEY FOLLOWED HIM. The chastening of the Lord will touch the pulpit.


"... God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace to the humble". James 4:6

I see this one as taking on such magnitude that we can not imagine it. Our hearts are so lifted up , we can not even see our pride. In our vanity, we convince ourselves of motives and intentions to cover our selfishness. We can not even see that we are not hungering for the Lord , but for our own fullfillment. He is simple a means to an end.

We are puffed up. With knowledge, with things, with the pulpit. You see the pride in our actions and in our words. You see it in our lack of love for the brethren. We don't care if someone falls. In fact we pick the flesh before the vultures get there. It is a stout indication of our haughty spirit when we talk about each other and rejoice over anothers failure. Yes, we rejoice. We get pleasure in repeating anothers sin, speculating on the degree of "filth" we "think" they've come into. Guile is in our mouth and we enjoy the taste. Why? Cause it makes us feel better about ourselves if someone else looks worse.

Prepare yourself. God's hand of chastening is coming on the prideful. They will be humbled!


"Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are excercised thereby". Heb 12:11

In all that I wrote above, I have seen myself. Seeing my reflection in thses things was not easy. When the Lord began to show me, I wanted to shut my eyes. The chastisement was not pleasant. The hardest part of it was just admiting that I was guilty. Oh, how I wanted to think of myself as this fairly "good" person. Certainly I needed salvation. I all of us know that. But to strip away that facade of being ... I don't really know how to put it .... basically decent ! That hurt. Like surgery, for a long time, the operated area was still tender. But, oh Praise God, in time it has begun to yield it's fruit.

As the chastening comes, some will harden their hearts. they will convince themselves that they are "under attack of the enemy". Instead of looking at themselves, they will look for blame. Watch out! Every whale has it's purpose. Stay in the belly til you get it. Those that resist the Father's correction are setting themselves up for devestation.

But there will be those that "break". They will acknowledge their sin, repent and cleave unto the Lord. To you I want to say, LIFT UP YOUR HANDS AND YOUR VOICE IN PRAISE. Give thanks that we have so great and so loving a God. He is making straight paths for us to walk. Get ready for the fruit , He will produce in you. Come out of what He tells you to come out of. Let go of what He tells you to let go of. Hear and obey. Then you can rest.