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Hay everyone! This is The Quotes! The greatest, and not-so-greatest quotes from Isaac, Taylor, and Zachary HANSON! Enjoy...and if you have any other groovy quotes then email 'em to me and Ill put em up! Thanks!


"Noo...I mean...forget it!"

"The russians are coming!"

"None of us has a girlfriend. But being in a band, you meet people everywhere you go. I know mine will turn up one day."

"I hate shots! I go to the doctor and it's like, please don't give me a shot!"

"Girls are definetly something we think about a lot."

"I used to be the goofiest, and then Zac just kind of took over"

"Lets see, I missed out on getting dumped by ten million girls, getting beat up by bullies, and peer pressure" (when asked if he regretted not having gone to a public school)


"To The world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world"

"Yeah, there is this nasty rumor that I cuss all the time, but really I don't, because that is a rule in our house and I wouldn't want to disobey my parents"

 "We've just started thinking about the next record yet. So many people want to know what we'll be doing next. To be honest, we have our hands full just thinking about what we're doing right now."

The thing that blows me away is the sheer energy behind the fan power. It just boggles my mind."(about Fans)

"Oh c'mon! Tell me. It can't be that bad! I mean, in Seattle some girl was yelling, 'Taylor! S*x! Taylor!'"

Yes, my name is Jordan, but Taylor makes my eyes bluer.

"Once I wound Zac up so much that he dragged me out of the lounge by my hair!"

I may be a wild rock-n-roller, but you wont see me peeing in public!

girls, girls, and more girls. if theres a bully beating up on a really cute girl, im a fighter. theres a whole world of hot chicks out there.


"There are a lot of things that can scare you, but I don't think we believe in ghosts."

"There is nothing new about me...I'm just Zac."

"I haven't done anything bad recently."

"I've actually advanced my memory where I can store 14 million thoughts."

"Err, lots of meals. I'd have all my favorite I feel like a pile of jello!"

"We're the long haired guys that look like girls!"

make your life like a roll of toilet paper...long and useful!

the world is like a twinkie, and girls are the sticky white stuff in the middle.

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