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Kissing Godzilla Overtakes Drummer Girl

Tragety once again with the THS Band, Monday I was talking to my fellow band members after practice, and the subject of kissing came up somehow. Suddenly while we were discussing it Godzilla burst into the banroom, looked straight at me, and said "I luv you...I give you kiss". Now what else can a girl do with those giant green lips and beady eyes coming after her, but drop the drum and run? So I do. But godzilla keeps lumbaring towards me puckering, saying KISS.....KIIIISSSSS. He kept gaining on me somehow even though I was running and he was lumbaring. Until finnally I found sanctuary behind a group of my loyal drummergirls...This unfortunatly did not last very long, because he soon found me. So what else could I do but throw my friends in front of me and make a mad run for the girls bathroom...I refused to come out until time to leave for class. I have never been so scared in my life, I had nightmares all week. The new rumor is that Kissing Godzilla is my new boyfriend...IT'S NOT TRUE....frankly I'd rather eat my own poop than kiss Godzilla. And he's still after me, so if you happen to see a giant lizard bhind me wth giant puckard lips, pleas save me and I'll love you forever!~*~

Phone Home E.T.