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Hello Wormy fans or just those WONDERFUL people who happen to find this page (or both). Now as you may or may NOT know, Wormy even being the wonderful character he is isn’t really much sought out. In other words I’m not getting many hits to this site due to the fact that not a lot of people really KNOW about Wormy or David A. Trampier. Since they don’t know about them, they certainly aren’t going to LOOK for them in the search engines, which means this site really isn’t getting as much attention as I’d like it to. Another problem is wormy fans seam to be “dying” off year by year, not meaning they don’t like wormy anymore. Just that they’ve probably become tired of searching for something that is extremely RARE to find, or that they haven’t found at all. I have to admit it frustrates me a little, after I did all this hard work perfecting the site and nobody seams to be finding it no matter how many search engines I submit it to. So I’m trying new things, doing all I can to ensure that people keep finding and maybe even coming BACK to this site…which brings us to the point of these pages

The Wormy WebRing pages that will hold all the WebRings that I submit this site too. Luckily for Wormy there are TONS of dragon WebRings out there who’ll accept him. (Even if he is a little rough around the edges) and, this is the BEST part...there are also HUNDREDS of fantasy WebRings too that revolve around ANYTHING fantasy or fantasy related…and what better fantasy creature is there besides a Dragon? (Except Minotaurs Of course) Since Dragons are, well…EXTREMELY fantasy related I could submit Wormy’s site to some of these WebRings too! Now this takes A LOT of work, some WebRings are very STRICT on what sites they allow into their WebRings. I suppose I would be too if I had a WebRing with hundreds upon HUNDREDS of sites that they have to keep looking over (if they actually DO that). But I’m a real Wormy FREAK so I don’t mind all the work as long as more people discover him, like him…and want to see MORE of him. So this page is set aside for those SPECTACULAR and WONDERFUL and GRACIOUS (get the sucking up theme yet?) WebRings that have allowed Wormy to become apart of. So I put them here for you all to see. Make sure to check some of them out so the WebRings know how GREATLY appreciated they are. Hey who knows you might find some other cool dragon or fantasy site; there’s tons of stuff in these WebRings!

If any of you have any questions, comments, or especially SUGGESTIONS on how I can or AM promoting this Wormy site, please don’t hesitate to e-mail me at Thanks a lot for visiting this site.

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