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Ph34R M1 L4CK 0F P4|\|75!!!

J00 B3 H3R3...

My artwork, done over the past year!


January 25, 2003

I've got anime. *joy* and beer! P|-|34R M1 B33R!
that's all i really wanted to say.

May 16,2002

Yes!!! Star Wars Episode 2 comes out today. I'm betting it has more lightsaber fights in it.


April 24,2002

( today ) 1:-beer.
2:-WE'LL BE RIGHT BACK AFTER A SHORT BREAK FOR THESE MESSAGES FROM OUR SPONSOR: Dammitall, the whining, bitching, moaning, groaning, get your face out of mine, before I put my foot in yours medicine.
I'm bored.
I'm reading Sphere. I like this book. Actually, i've seen the movie, and me being lazy, this should be good enough for me... But i'm not called Moron for nothing.
It's amazing I can even read.

Well, i'm gonna watch anime. Bob has anime, but he won't give it up, that ass.

Febuary 15,2002

Thanks to some friends that shall remain nameless, i have anime. Huzzah! ph33r mi l337 animated skills!!! lol. i'm going to go eat pop tarts now. ^___^

January 30, 2002

Well, I finally found my link for the Messageboard! Took me forever to get around to getting it. No matter, i've got a big test soon, so i'll be going now. My Homepage is not the ACTUAL get that through your head. I don't have the popularity, let alone the money to run such a site. SO THERE!

January 15, 2002

Yup, I still need to draw my 3 pictures. Things in my life are kinda hectic, so I'll get to doing them later. so QUIT BUGGIN ME!

January 14, 2002

Huzzah, Let's hear it for the new year!!! Score!! ugh, I thinks i needs a vacation. Today, i got a new picture for my Home page. PH33R M1 L337 H0M3P4G3 M4K1NG SK1LLZ!!! Now all I have to do is link my pictures in my Portfolio page. My Homepage is coming together quite nicely. I think i like this place. I should keep it for my regular homepage at Angelfire.



Fear my monkey.

Joey's house of pain!

A s\/\/337 website by Joey Scialabba. go there now, and touch his monkey!