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Waving American Flag

Welcome To The

Waving Oklahoma Flag

Sight First Logo

Purcell, Oklahoma
Lions Club Home Page

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Who Am I

This Web Site is dedicated to the memory of:

All those LIONS no longer with us, who gave

freely of their time to help the less fortunate.


Especially, a good friend, who will be missed by many,

Roy Shambaugh, PDG MD15-A, 1996-97

LIONS Ethics
LIONS Objects
Lion History
Club History
Club Activities
Where We Meet
Our Members
Multiple District 3
LIONS International

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The International Association of Lions Clubs

Mission Statement

To create and foster a spirit of understanding among all people for humanitarian needs by providing voluntary services through community involvement and international cooperation.

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Visitors Since October 10, 1999

Please Sign Our Guest Book

Guestbook by GuestWorld

Please Visit Our Guest Book

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Animated flags compliments of: Title graphic compliments of:

William “Rip” Van Winkle

Webmaster, Purcell Lions Club