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My Homepage!!
       Thanks a million for visiting my homepage. If you do not know, my name is Lester. I am 19 this year and i am studying Aerospace Engineering in University of Southern California with a group of awesome friends and of course a cute girlfriend by the name of JANE...Right now, i am picking up on an really awesome sport called SNOWBOARDING!!! Been travel to Canada to ride the slopes with my orange K2 board ...   in the summer, i love hiking and camping in the wilderness. Mountain biking is also my life, as you know, my girlfriend will always be my bike, which is blue in color I love to travel around see different cultural and custom. I have been to a lot of countries and the place that most interest me are that European countries.

       The picture that i have on the left was taken in New York City. I was there for my spring break. The trip to NYC was totally awesome as i backpack around the city on my own. I freak my parents out when i told them that i was flying there alone!....heehe :)

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Alright guys, that all for today, i will be redesigning my homepage again. So come back soon!!

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