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Every WWE show from last week wrapped up and recapped.
A friend's band's webpage I built for $6.
Tune into Alan's opinions on wrestling.
Opinions on STUFF!
Manga and Trade Paperbacks reviewed HERE!
Here thar be Video Game reviews.
This where da Cinema get it reviewed cuz, ho bah we got no pre-ten-chus criticism herre.
Listen to my band's MP3s.
Her highness herself's art gallery.
It's news. It's FAKE.
Krillin meets other fiction icons!
A GREAT comic strip, about GEEK STUFF like video games.
Hammer Wielding bunnies. Comics. Movies. and Magic. Nuff said.411Wrestling. Need wrestling news? Interesting rumors? Try getting your 411 from Scott Keith, Chris Hyatte, Josh Grut, Flea, Eric S, and Jay Bower.One of the funniest media review sites on the web.
RP GAMER, a good independent video game news site on the net. Movies, screen shots, interviews, they got it here.
My best friend's page. Online Wrestling.
The orignal LoNE, which is now retired was a ragtag page of infrequent updates and odd material. Click here to visit it.
The orignal review site, which is now retired.
The orignal wrestling site of mine. Show recaps for March to August 2002 and some choice opinion pieces hidden in the rubble. No longer updated.

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All articles © J Kyle Media, 2002. All pictures © J. Kyle, Spemo Strick, and Zak Blak unless they link elsewhere.