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The story begins with Alice (Lisa Wilcox....wooh baby), the heroine from the previous movie, taking a shower (sorry little boys we don't see much). Both her and her boyfriend Dan (Danny Hassel) have survived their first run in with Freddy. Could lightning strike twice? I don't think so...someone's gotta die. During a hot shower scene, Alice begins to dream of her long lost Freddy. Alice dreams of the night Freddy's poor mother (Amanda Krueger) was accidental locked in the asylum for the weekend. She than witnesses the re-birth of this monster through some mystery woman. One the thing I like about the "Nightmare" series is the ingenious ways they use to bring Freddy back (i.e. possession, fiery dog urine, etc). That's kinda cool because they never try to cheese out on what happened in the previous films. Who is this mystery woman and how can she give birth to the "bastard son of a 100 maniacs"? Because she did it before, she can do it again. But she's a nun...Sister Mary Helen. Part 5 helps to provide further information on Freddy's background. Like there had to be a real reason why he liked to play around with little boys and girls. They couldn't have it like a Halloween deal. Alice's boyfriend is killed in a motorcycle accident and Alice begins to suspect Freddy, but she hasn't been sleeping. How is he using her to pull kids into the dream world? Later Alice finds out she's pregnant and even encounters his son Jacob in the dream world. Bet you can't guess who his best buddy is....Uncle Freddy. But again how's Freddy getting to Alice's friend? He is using Alice's baby who ends up being Jacob. The ending is a little cheesy, but this movie delivers.

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Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare
Wes Craven's New Nightmare
