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When does Rapture

When does the world lose its rapture?
* Do tell, I wait
When the love that ran deep is shallow.
When the world is gray , and the skies only sever to hide you.
*When does love end?
Ahhh, sweet, sensual...lost
When two are no longer.
When all that was shared was a facade, and in the truth you see nothing
You stand
You Hope the rain will hear your cries and purify you with its showers.
The pain...endless
The only melody you hear is the sound of your own screams. You are the master of the sound that leave you restless.
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOooo, god sake, murmur.
Grasping.... your hair, madly as if trying to quell the screams that erupt within you.
* Whisper, The truth has been revealed. See what was there not what you wanted.
The madness, is your drink and you drink from it willingly
It is fleeting
The days pass, they are shadows
The nights reminders
You laid alone
* who will hold you now?
Another tear sprouts from your soul
rivers, streams, oceans
I love
The shadows laugh
The wind, " You have come alone into this earth and you will die alone.Love is the right of passage. Sadness the prologue."
Another day
Stumble, go forth you wretched child.
On ward.
* what have you learned?
Tell me ! I hunger to feast on your knowledge. ...was it worth all?
A murmur, "yes, all"
I have found that love is like a Rose. It entices you with is scent, and stabs you with its thorns. The grasp unleashes the venom You are lost
The blood
It is the sign of tears that soon will blossom from your eyes.
* When does the world lose its rapture?
When I can love no more.
When does love end?
When I forget.
In the forgetting we are reborn, and can love again.
How to forget the passion , the endless kiss, the warmth, and the fire.
I will
I have the forgetting I have died a little
It has been the price that I have paid, the toll was my innocents
I forgot