Born - April, 19th 1981 in Vancouver, Canada
Location - Ontario, Canada - Los Angeles, CA
Height - 6 feet 1 inch
Eyes - Brown
Hair - Blond
Weight - 159 lbs
Siblings - 1 Brother, Tove, age 27 - 2 sisters Hejsa, age 25 and Kaylen age 15
Parents - Mother, Alie - Father, David
Parents Occupation - Communications
Nickname: Big H
Hobbies - Sports: Hockey, Football, Tennis, Skateboarding, Rollerblading, Mountain Biking
"Growing up I played competitive Triple A hockey and I played competitive tennis and hoped to get a tennis scholarship at university, but I got a bit sidetracked with acting,"
Music - Panio - Plays Jazz and Blues
Favorite Band - Our Lady Peace
Favorite Color - Blue
Favorite Food - Pizza
Favorite Car - BMW
Favorite Actor - Joe Lando
Agency - Gersh Agency, CA
Perfect Girl - Would have a great attitude. Would have to understand about his business. Because they would have a long distance relationship when he was on location she would have to keep the spark going.