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Bohemian Afterthoughts

Ah, we come to the good part now! Yes, I have gotten around to working on the comics, and there online, yay! Not anywhere completed, mind you, but its up, woo who!

A story about Shinzo Metaru, a robot girl that has emotions and feelings of a human.This story is set far in the future on earth. Contains romance, humor, brave fights, and a happy ending. Rated PG-13 for mild violence and mild language and some(small) nudity.

Me, Myself and My Muse.
A collection of comic strips that will tickle your funny bone!! Gives a humerous look at the life and thoughts of this sites webmistress and her tag-along muse. COMING SOON

Online comic about a girl that has a natural talent for singing, and is one of the biggest rejects of her school. Then one day she wakes up to find she is a teen idol. You can only guess what happens.

Melody wish to find her true mate comes true, times 3!! A romantic comedy about love, life, and a little bit of fate. Rated PG

Just whatever I have left over!!! Check this out, just put up!!

All content, images, ideas of Bohemian Afterthoughts is © Copyright 2001-2003 of Ashlen Hodge(Lutra) and the people who sent things in to her.
All rights reserved. No material on this site may be used, changed, sold, or/and copied without the permission of the Mistress of this site




For You

For me!


"Work like you don't need to money, love like your heart has never been broken, and dance like no one is watching!"