In Another Land

“Dear Sponsor, I am shivering for it’s cold outside.

The scary things in my world make me want to hide.

I know you love me, but just why I do not understand.

I’m glad to be your little child in another land.”

She was only six years old when she came into my life,

Born into a cold, cruel world full of poverty and strife.

She needed someone to love her and to point the way to God.

That is when she touched my heart and became my child of love.

“Dear Sponsor, I’m not hungry now. You gave me food to eat.

It’s easier to walk to school with new shoes on my feet.

I know you love me, but just why I do not understand.

I’m glad to be your little child in another land.”

Sickness left her. She grew strong – a miracle in her world!

It was plain for all to see that God was working in this girl.

Then one day there came the time that I had been praying for.

My little child gave her life to the Savior Christ the Lord.

“Dear Sponsor, I’m a new girl now. Jesus gave me a brand new heart.

Even though you’re far away, we won’t always be apart.

I always knew you loved me, and now I understand.

God made you love this little child in another land.”

Other children in the world need special friends to care,

Ones willing to touch their lives and the love of God to share.

Will you be one of those to lend a helping hand?

Will you share Christ’s love with a child in another land?

“As you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.”

- Jesus

(Matthew 25:40)

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