The Day The Savior Died

Fresque : crucifixion

'Twas a dark and dreary day,

With land turned bleak and sky turned gray,

When laughter and sunshine all went away,

The day the Savior died.

They took Him to a hill called Calvary,

Nailed Him to a cross made from a tree,

Placed Him on top for the World to see,

The day the Savior died.

They mocked and abused Him,

Of sin they accused Him,

Then stabbed a spear in His side.

Although they were laughing,

He still showed compassion.

“Father, forgive them!” He cried,

The day the Savior died.

Engulfed in their gloom,

They placed Him in a tomb,

Weeping for the Savior asleep.

They forgot what He said,

That He would rise from the dead.

God’s Son the grave cannot keep.

Hey! What is this? Something is amiss.

See the grave. He is no longer inside.

For on the third day the stone rolled away,

And sunshine returned to the skies,

The day the Savior did RISE!

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