The Songs of Mingle2

1. Basket Case - Green Day
2. I'm Going Slightly Mad - Queen
3. They're coming to take me away - Napoleon XIV
4. (I'm strange and I like it) Just The Way I Am - Skye Sweetnam
5. People Are Strange - The Doors
6. Too Bad You're Crazy - Jerry Whitman
7. Crazy Train - Ozzy Osbourne
8. Crazy - Gnarls Barkley
9. Crazy - Patsy Cline
10.Brain Damage - Pink Floyd
11.Madhouse - Anthrax
12.Little Crazy - Fight


This web page and its images are entirely the work of Mingle2 member Dodo_David. The Mingle2 website has not endorsed anything on this web page.

Calmwood Mental Hospital is a gag from The Simpsons TV show. The show's producers have not endorsed the use of Calmwood in anything pertaining to Mingle2.