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You have just stepped into Dream City, where anything is possible, and you are not you at all. You can be anyone you want, and no one will ever be the wiser.
This is where I come to vent my feelings, to express myself through stories, poetry, etc... and where I can share my feelings with others freely. Freedom is the most beautiful thing. One can be truly at peace with the person they are really are without fear of being laughed at or criticized.
So step forward, read, wander, share, dream, and most importantly, BE YOURSELF!!!

There are four sections to this web site. The first is the Wanderings: A journey through my mind by me, dreamingirl. I keep a journal in real life, and will put some past excerpts in just to help the reader acquaint themselves with my mind... =)
This will also hopefully include excerpts from my dream diary as well.

The second section is writing, including stories, poetry, and other free verse essays...

The third includes artwork related to the writing here and also artwork by visitors. So if you love art, or think you're sort-of good at it, go ahead and send it! Please make sure that it is either in .gif, .jpg, or .bmp format and that it is not too large, especially bitmaps. My email has a limited amount of space, so please keep it under 150 kbs!
Please include your name or nick, age, title or any info on it (like date, medium, why you like it, etc...) and your homepage or email address. If you want to remain completely anonymous feel free, but please include a title!

AND *drum roll*... the fourth section will include any comments, stories, essays, poems, dreams, or thoughts from visitors. This is reserved for YOU so use it! Email me your name or nick, age, title, etc. and homepage or email address. If you would prefer not to have your email address included, don't put it in the actual letter part. =) Thanks and keep dreaming!!!

"In the end we will conserve only what we love,
we will love only what we understand, and
we will understand only what we are taught."
- Baba Dioum
African nationalist poet

"Wanderings: A journey through my mind"

dreamingirl's musings and thoughts

Visual Gallery... Now Showing: "What Dreams Are Made Of"

Creative Hour!!! Straight from the Hearts of Dream City's Visitors

please email me...

dreamingirl (*...copyright 1999