Dear Webmaster,

You asked if I would write about the VIVACITY yearbook. I shall endeavor to recall some of the pertinent facts without it sounding like an autobiography.

VIVACITY: Full of Life and Spirits…….Liveliness " What a name for such a beginning."

Prior to the year 1939 The CHS yearbook was called "The Oiler" Our journalism Teacher, Thurston B. Swartz and printing Teacher, Mr. R.Z. Simmons and their respective classes challenged each other to construct and print the Yearbook in-house. A contest was held to name the yearbook and the name "VIVACITY" was chosen. (Surely the person who selected the name will step forward now.)

The first VIVACITY yearbook staff consisted of the following:

 Dorothea Mayer, Editor

 Emogene Johnson, Assistant Editor

Marie Watson, Art Editor

Clarence Smith, Snapshot Editor

Gene Austin, Business Manager

Albert Moore Advertising Manager

Kermit Martin, Pauline and Ruby Powell                Advertising assistants

Hayden Percell, Sports

 Most of the VIVACITY printing costs were defrayed by sale of Ads to the local merchants. Many of the ads were designed and hand set by members of the printing class.

Although most of the photos in the yearbook were printed by a commercial firm, the written text, separator sheets, and ads were printed and the book was assembled by Mr. Simmon's printing class.

With the loss of so many of my classmates in the ensuing war, the VIVACITY has been a friend to me in years past. And will always bring back memories of those carefree days at good old CHS.

This page contains information on the name of the Cushing Oklahoma yearbook the VIVACITY.