Class Reunion
Just because Memorial Day is upon us and you have heard nothing about your class reunion remember you still have until December!  Labor Day is a good time to have one. 
Some tips on how to locate everyone quickly
  • For $5 a year (alumni fees) you get 3 issues of the OILER, our Alumni  Newspaper. The larger Oiler,which includes ALL the names and addresses that we have for our Alumni,comes out Reunion Week
  • gets your e-mail address updates and  gets the mailing address corrections that are to be printed in the Oiler paper.  (Make sure your own address information is correct in the Oiler and on the website!)
  • Grab a package of prestamped postcards from the post office and send them to the addresses listed in the Oiler. Provide them with your e-mail address in addition to your mailing address. (Get them involved in helping do something. Once they are committed and get involved they are "buying in" to the project and will most likely show up.)
  • If you can't reach them look for their siblings or parents class page to see if they have provided their e-mail address. 
  • PEOPLE LOCATOR is a good place to start looking for those classmates.

Be sure to tell them the Cushing High School website address


Send your information to the Tulsa World

They need to know:
1.) Cushing High School, Class of _____
2.) When the event is
3.) Contact person, along with their telephone number, mailing address and e-mail address
4.) this website address:


Ideas for things to do and places to go. Places to stay.
If you have planned a successful reunion tell us how you did it. Other classes would appreciate  your hints and we will post them here.
Taylorsville is a place  we just heard about. Are there any good Bed and Breakfast around?
There is alot going on with the Alumni Reunion so there should be plenty to do but you will want to spend a few hours together with just your classmates, catching up.
 Cushing is blessed to be located between two international airports both with "a href=""> Southwest Airlines which has great rates. They advertise the $98 ANYWHERE special approx three times a year. (They also run specials a lot on the internet.
(Go to their website and sign up to have them notify you of the specials and
make that trip back home to Cushing!  
If you are interested in making contact with the person planning your reunion please e-mail web manager  


  Some classes are now inviting friends to stop by who would have been in High School at the same time, just not in the same grade. What a great idea to see upper and lower classmates again! If this is something your class wishes to do be sure to tell us to put the invitation on their class page for everyone to see.