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Creek County EMS

Here Are Some Pictures Where Some Pt's Died And Some Did Well

Car Wrecks On Hwy's 33,66,TTP,86 st,Ribon

It's Hard To Deal With Some Of The Calls Sometime With What We See On Some Of The Scenes We Are Called To.

This accident happened on hwy 66 east of Kellyville the pt. in this vehicle was not wearing a seatbelt and died after pt. was flown to SFH by TLF(next photo is the other vehicle).

This is the second vehicle from photo above this pt. was wearing seatbelt and walked away with no injuries.

This accident happened on hwy 33 the driver had gotten out by bystanders and pt. died on scene, pt. baby was taken to the hospital by family(next photo from same wreck)

This accident happened on hwy 33 two pt's in the front died on scene and a baby was taken by TLF to SFH.

This accident happened on the Turner Turnpike MM 206 this vehicle pulled out onto tp and was tying to turn around and was hit by a pickup and then a van, one pt. was ejected and on fire and died on scene the other out of same vehicle was taken by TLF to SFH and all other pt's were all Ok.

This accident happened on 86st west of 97 hwy and was there around an hour before here got help, It took SFD and TLF and a Wrecker and our service around 1 hr and 30 min. to get pt. out of car, pt. is now ok but had a hard time coming back from his injuries.

It speaks for its self.

These long days where you stay awake with no naps. Evening comes and you start to get ready to go to bed and thats when all the calls start. First you go on a local call and you take the pt. to tulsa. Next you just get back into coverage and you find out that the other crew has went out also. Now you have to go and post at 33 & 48, Now one of the outer units go to tulsa and your unit now has to go to drumright to post. Several hours later when they get back in coverage you can go back to your station. Again the other unit here has went out while you where gone and your up again. Now you get a call in one of the towns 20 miles away and that pt. goes to tulsa. When you get back into coverage you find out that the other unit has went out again and gotten a refusal. So now your unit is up again and one of the outer units have to go to tulsa and you have to go to Bristow and post. By now its almost daylight and about time to go home. And man am I ready to go home and get some sleep. You get to nap several times during the day, And when bedtime comes you can not sleep. So you stay up most of the night, And you finaly get to sleep at four a.m., But you have to get up at seven a.m. to get to work and start this day hoping that it is not busy on this shift.