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My Wonderful black cat


Hi my name is Marisa and this site is a SHRINE to my wonderful cat named O'lieng(Which means Thai black coffee in thai of course)

YEAH!! IT'S 2000!!!

What did u people do this New Years? Well I went to the 111th Rose Parade in Pasadena and is was extreamly cold!!!and all those horses that were there pooed everywhere and also i had to stand and when i sat i got my butt wet! oh and i had to leave at 5:00 in the morning!! Well...the flowers were nice!.....

First heres a picture of my wonderful cat

Well I recived my cat 3 years ago, but it was my brother's then when he left to college he became mine! He has many strange habits like he loves fruit like apricots, cantalope, strawberries, etc. Even when he's outside he knows when we wash a piece of fruit so when we do he comes running in or meowing at the door!

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Cat Lovers have visted my Site Since 11/2/99