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A Quote Hiya to everyone. If you don't like roller coasters then you're going to be very dissapointed. But then again, I don't and the only thing I'm dissapointed with is the weather (yeah, I know that's not true). That reminds me, before you read on: I've never been on a roller coaster or to any theme park, I've never had any parts of my body pierced and I've never taken speed. But here's what I have done and who I am:

To be amused by stupid people, fuck over evil people, fuck good people, and some day reproduce my madness into the form of a baby to reign the world, when I'm too dead to do it.
26th April 1982
gothic - in the loosest and strictest sense of the word. I've also been described as 'a medieval country girl' (without make-up) and 'a gothic seductress on a powertrip' (with make-up) Er... You know who you are! I think I look like shit without make-up, personally, and I sometimes have nightmares about being exposed to society without the help of L'oreal and Boots. I'm thinking of seeking therapy because of this.
Hole, Babes In Toyland, L7, Stevie Nicks, P.J. Harvey, The Levellers, Marilyn Manson, Nirvana, Nine Inch Nails, Blondie, Depeche Mode, INXS, Sisters Of Mercy, Pantera, Ozzy Osbourne, Hypocrisy, White Zombie, Anathema, Amorphis, Edge Of Sanity, (some of) Cradle Of Filth, Primordial, etc....and loads of other bands that I either can't remember or can't be bothered to write about, er..... pink (my life without black, my saviour, my angel rose), glitter, black, red, purple..... silver..... velvet, lace, make-up, poetry, Sharlotte (my glitter double), Alex, Katie, Emily, etc..., my imagination - 'cos it's mine and only mine!, being who you are - not for society, not for religion and not for any fucking body else.
    And I love the control that you can control when someone controls you. [Work that one out!]
People who will do anything to be normal. It's like a fear of the 'self'. I suppose this also accounts for those people, er.... pardon.... inferior pieces of shit, who think it's cool to say, 'Oh, look it's a fucking greb' and 'Excuse me, do you suck blood from people's necks?'. People like that might as well save all their bullshit and say, 'Hi, everyone, look at me. I'm a shallow, dumb tosser'. Because we all know it's true. Yes, actually, I think they do have a fear of the 'self' because they're too shallow and boring to shout about so they show their disgust towards others because they're scared and jealous, at the same time. People who don't listen to you when you're talking piss me off, too. And people who jump to conclusions. Another thing, that's really shit is when people raise your hopes then fuck you off. Like, they'd hate it if you ever did that to them, but when it's them there's always a brilliant excuse for acting like an asshole. I used to be more tolerant because I thought when people act like that it's just temporary, and I think I used to be a hell of a lot naive, but don't try it now because I'm not like that anymore. My problem was and probably still is that I never stop loving people, deep down. It sounds like a great and human thing to do but it only makes it hurt more when people treat you like shit. That goes hand in hand with my problem of crying when I'm seethingly angry, rather than composing all of my energy and yelling like fuck at someone; it all tends to go mental inside me. My biggest problem of all is that I find it hard to accept things that are bad or that I don't want to happen, because I'm a fervent disbeliever of 'Never Say Never'.
    I don't hate myself, though. Don't mistake that. I don't love myself either, but I know that I'm a brilliant person.
    I know my site is only half way to hell, but come along and sign my guestbook!
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