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Megan and Alicia's Page

Hey Hey!! Thanks for coming to our page!! First, we'll say a few things about ourselves. ( Sorry, we'll be quick so that you're not too too bored ;) ) We are Megan ( On the left in the pic above ) and Alicia ( On the right ) from Maryland. We're Sophomores in high school. Megan is 15 and Alicia just turned 16. Megan is on the Varsity Cheerleading squad and Alicia is on the Varsity Volleyball team. The pic above was taken at homecoming this year. Well, that's all we're gonna say for right now cuz we don't wanna bore ya and we want you to check out the rest of our page!! We just started it so we're still adding on to it. We haven't had much time to work on it so please don't laugh at us if we mess something up, aight?? Please feel free to e-mail us with comments or suggestions or just to say hello!! Don't forget to sign our guestbook!! We'll talk to you later!! Bye!! :)

What's on our page:

Alicia's Info
Megan's Info
Cool People Page
Couples Page
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Photo Album
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