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PatterChatter from the Putter Palace

The Putter Palace! Motivational Quotes, stories and poems...

The Village Inn by Thomas Kinkade

greetings from

Welcome to the Putter Palace. Not politically correct. Just me. Being me. Spouting Off!

What is the Putter Palace?

Ephemeral, frivolous, fun, frolicy and inspirational. The Putter Palace, is the arbitrary name I call my home. The old farmhouse we live in was built in 1942 and now sets on 2.5 acres. My family and I are lovingly trying to return it to a good condition, adding a cottage garden, painting, polishing, powdering, pampering it into a loving oasis. For now, envision a navy blue house, with pepto-bismol pink & pale yellow trim. The 1940's style metal chairs are creaking under the willow trees and the morning doves have returned bringing their gentle cooing to my ears. Puttering about is what I do best, hence the name.

Here, turn the radio off if you want!
Musical Selection is my love's Favorite, Somewhere In Time.

In my minds-eye it is perpetual springtime. The garden is in full bloom. The daffodils are wafting in the breeze which carries along the scent of the lilacs, wisteria and hyacinths. The colors are bright, the azaleas a hot popping pink that will bedazzle you.

Sit here on the park bench and enjoy the sound of the birds & windchimes! The above picture by Thomas Kinkade is one of my favorites. Wish my little house and gardens looked this good. I enjoy Kinkade's work and some of his items are for sale in the Puffery below. His work always seems to bring a smile to my face.


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To see what PatterChatter is all about read our archives. At the moment, there isn't much in the archives. I'll be working backwards to get the older ones on-line and to include the new daily ones. They've been going out since about the first of January 2000.