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Best Friends and More

Hi This is my story. It is called Best Friends and More. I do not know, or have even met Hanson. I don't know n e one that knows them. (that i know of)Please don't steal or take my ideas. So please have fun reading this story.-Ash

Chapter 1: Pictures
Chapter 2: Don't Call Me That
Chapter 3: I Dare You 2....
Chapter 4: You Kissed Ash?!
Chapter 5: I'm Gonna Miss U Man!!
Chapter 6: I Missed Zac
Chapter 7: Something More?
Chapter 8: You've Got To Leave
Chapter 9: I've Got An Idea
Chapter 10: You Guys Are Hanson!!!
Chapter 11: It Doesn't Take A Genius 2 Decide
Chapter 12: Go Zac!
Chapter 13: You What?!
Chapter 14: I Miss U 2...BUNCHES!
Chapter 15: You're 15!!!
Chapter 16: Can't I Wish?
Chapter 17: Go To Sleep Zac
Chapter 18: Bloody Murder
Chapter 19: Because I Love You
Chapter 20: Stupidity Runs In The Family
Chapter 21: Come On Zac, Just Shake It Off
Chapter 22: I'm Like A Walking Disaster
Chapter 23: Listen 2 Who It Is!
Chapter 24: Can I Have Your Autograph?
Chapter 25: I Won The Bet!
Chapter 26: Look At This!
Chapter 27: Ike Thinks Weird Thoughts.. Trust Me
Chapter 28: Zac Has This Chick Back In Tulsa
Chapter 29: What Are You Talking About?
Chapter 30: I Got Into A Fight
Chapter 31: I Need To Ummm.. Call Our Parents
Chapter 32: What Do You Mean No?
Chapter 33: They'll Ask More Questions If He Goes
Chapter 34: Ashley...
Chapter 35: What Are You Doing In Here?
Chapter 36: Hey You're Wet!
Chapter 37: So U Didn't Do that?
Chapter 38: I'll Explain Later...
Chapter 39: Could We....
Chapter 40: Oh Gawd...
Chapter 41: She Would Have Been With Me Instead Of In That Car
Chapter 42: You Did This To Her
Chapter 43: I Think They Are
Chapter 44: You Don't Even Believe Me
Chapter 45: He What?!
Chapter 46: Some Birthday Huh?
Chapter 47: They're Jerks.
Chapter 48: Why Are You Doing This To Us?
Chapter 49: Would That Be Because of Your Family?
Chapter 50: I Guess We'll Leave Tonight
Chapter 51: Tay, Get A Life
Chapter 52: You've Got To Be Kidding Me
Chapter 53: How The Heck Did I Not Know That?!
Chapter 54: It is?
Chapter 55: So I'll C U Tomorrow?
Chapter 56: What Happened To Me?!
Chapter 57: Just Moving On
Chapter 58: Ash Is A Lil Fast For U, Huh Tay?
Chapter 59: I Didn't Mean You
Chapter 60: I Was Really Tired
Chapter 61: Someone Special
Chapter 62: Just Let Me Think!
Chapter 63: My Ash?!
Chapter 64: I'm Asleep! *The End!!*

Wishes Can Come True *The Sequel*

Here is my 1st award!! Yay!! lol.
This Fic ROX!

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