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YL Designs Price Page
The future is no more uncertain than the present
- - -Walt Whitman


Personal Package

  • 250-300 words per page (submitted by customer)
  • Guestbook or Contact form (max 10 fields)
  • Meta Tags Added
  • 4 links + 1 link to e-mail address
  • 1 photo
  • 3 graphic images / logo per page
  • Submission of site to search engines
  • 2 web pages
  • Web Counter
  • Uploaded to web server (clients choice)
  • 45 minutes consultation
Click here to fill out price estimate on-line form!

Small Business Pkg

  • Custom Banner
  • 3 graphic images / company logo per page
  • Guestbook
  • 250-300 words per page (submitted by customer)
  • One Customized Form
  • One Customized Table
  • Meta Tags Added
  • 5 links + 5 e-mail links
  • 4 photos
  • Submission of site to major search engines
  • Up to 4 pages
  • Uploaded to web server (clients choice)
  • Web Counter
  • 1 hour of consultation
Click here to fill out price estimate on-line form!

Corporate Web Site

  • 10 web pages
  • 250 words per page (submitted by customer)
  • 12 photographs
  • 3 graphic images / page
  • 10 links to designated URLs
  • 1 guest book with up to 10 fields
  • 1 custom form with up to 20 fields
  • 4 hours designated to custom graphics
  • 1 custom image map
  • 1 table with up to 3 columns / 15 rows
  • Web site submitted to 10 major search engines
  • web site uploaded to server (clients choice)
  • 3 hours of consultation
Click here to fill out price estimate on-line form!

Extra Services

  • Customized Banner
  • Customized Forms
  • Domain Name
  • Extra Pages
  • Image Maps
  • Re-directs (shorter name)
  • Scanning Service
  • Momthly Maintenance
  • Yearly Maintenance (a YL Design site)
  • Yearly Maintenance (a non-YL Design site)
  • Java Applets & Java Scripts, including clocks, countdowns and mouseovers. Prices quoted.
Click here to fill out price estimate on-line form!
Please take in account that every business and personal account is different, so prices are negotiable.
click here to e-mail me